Thursday, May 17, 2007

Scrapbooking Question

I know many of you are consultants (Cindy, Sherri, Mary et al) and many are scrapbookers extraordinaire (Lisa, Liz, Jen et al) so HELP ME here.

I went ahead and pulled photos Cy had chosen (and a few that I simply think are too precious not to pick ::smirk::) out of our magnetic album and put them in the front of the "graduation album" that I had put together for him. I will later copy or scan them and give him his set...put mine back in the magnetic albums until I reach that point in transferring. The photos from the display board will go in his graduation album too. I'm still rejoicing at how easy it is to make a keepsake....Debby (my NY partner in simplicity) - are you still rejoicing? There is hope sister!

The problem? The photos in my scrapbook albums are awful to get out. Those tape runners simply don't let up. It's impossible to get the photos out without either tearing the page or the photo (tiny tears - but tears). I figure I can put them back in and cover the tears - mostly.... but what have you all done? Do you never take photos out for things like THIS - to make copies for duplicate albums, to put together displays? How do you copy or scan them if they never leave your scrapbook????

I've got a three year gap in his graduation album because I learned about the tearing when we were trying to remove photos to scan to make the slide show.

Liz told me about the CM albums that are sleeves.....I may check those out after I use up all my post albums...which may take years, really. LOL

Stacia is running around with the album saying "Sighhhh, Sighhhh". She's been learning everyone's names but Cy is still the one she reverts to when in doubt. "Zander" is giving her fits. "No" (Nolan) is easy. "L" is Arielle. "Jayyyyy" is Jamin and Jared is tough for her but if you KNOW that is what she is saying you can make it out. We've even been teaching her Bre and Krista so she knows them this summer. She calls them both "Bres".


Anonymous said...

Just as you say, I've found that when you try to remove pictures they often tear. When I first started in 98 I used glue sticks the first couple years -- they REALLY tear. The taped pics come out a little easier. The matted pics usually will come out.

I've used a flat knife behind the pics to try to remove with less tearing. You can grab the pics by one corner & lift or you would damage the picture I think, with the almost-folding maneuver trying to get it out.

When I need pics, I usually scan the old ones - flopping the scrapbook right on the scanner (which is above my desk & monitor so it is no small feat). Then I crop to get just the picture that I want & I can then print that one.

With the collage for Mom's service, I had a mix - some I was able to get out of the books, some I had to scan.

Deja said...

De'Etta, I'm a former CMC myself, and also a 'no sticker or paper scrapbooker'...too many kids to keep up w/the nice page layouts LOL. I've scanned album pages also, or taken them to office max to make nicer color copies than than my printer makes. There IS a product that I've seen used to get the pics off the pages...never used it myself, had many customers swear by it. It's called 'UnDo' I think and has some kind of liquid solvent in it w/a flat edge thingie to remove the pics. Not sure of the long-term effects of using it, but desperate times call for desperate measures :-0 HTH

Anonymous said...

UnDo Rawks! I've even spilled it on my photos before, and as long as you leave it alone, they won't hurt the photo. The only thing is that it only temporarily lessens the "stickyness" of your photo so that once it dries, any tape left on the back will be sticky again. (It was made that way so you could move stickers/photos around on a LO.)

Another option would be for you to take a photo of the photo...assuming you have a digital camera. Then you can have the "new photo" developed and put into the album.

Debbie said...

No great advice, except I have heard of UnDo and have seen them use it at the scrapbook store and it really seems to work.

I am still in this happy little place of photo preservation over the album I put together so quickly. My life my never be the same again! :-)

Romany said...

When Jack was a toddler he called his twin cousins (who were Jordan and Joshua) both John.

I thought it was pretty funny!

Have you tried 'Undo'? I need to use it a LOT!

Cynthia said...

I'm sure this is too late to help you any, but I've also done the photo of a photo. That's what I did for all of the pictures of Amanda's graduation that were "stuck" in the album with the glue that CM used to use 16 years ago. I've heard you can use a blow dries to loosen it, but I've never tried that. I also use a little knife to remove the tape runner and I suppose it depends on how much you use how hard that is... I use very little tape runner... just a little dab on a few corners. If you used a lot of it that would make it harder.

I LOVE the picfolio albums! I really like that CM now has 3 options.. traditional scrapbooking, the picofolios, and online digital albums. Something for everyone.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I have UNDO - I'll have to give it a try - after graduation.

I should state that when my albums that took so much time were like Memory Maker type LO's....not typical CM ones. I did go to those for a year and they were MUCH quicker.....but I want to simplify. My family LOVES the photos - they dont' care about all the doo dads....*I* like them but by trying to do what *I* like I rob them of the nice photos in safe albums and stories. LOL