Saturday, June 09, 2007

Chore Update!

I mentioned last week that I wanted to get back to my system but I didn't want to use index cards. I decided to check the Internet out for Side Tracked Home Executives....they do have a website...and they now have a daily planner instead of cards and I THINK the computer program makes cards for one....but I still didn't really want to do the cards.

Bre called sometime last week and reminded me that the cards were a pain with a toddler in the house. ::snort:: I wanted to type out lists of chores for each room. That wouldn't be so great for the Nolan and Zander.

I kept searching. Low and the SHS files I found Kelly's chore charts which she'd mentioned in my comment section. I excitedly printed them out. THEN I found MY chore chart from Alaska. This was not a complete chore chart but it listed the main daily/weekly things that I wanted done in each room. I printed it and we're on track. (If only I could find our camper check list now). This is not working as smoothly as it did when the girls lived at home - owners of A1 Cleaning Services ::snort:: but it's helping. Each person helps with a meal clean up or set up during the day and each person has a weekly area that is their responsibility. Simple. I let the older two boys out of this as we never see them. So it's Me and the remaining 5 children for the family zones.

THEN Trish sent me info on a system I had been planning to order. In fact - after I ordered I found out I was an affiliate. ::snort:: They gave me a discount on my stuff. I checked my sidebar and the info is there but there is no graphic or anything. This is my link if you decide to order. ::snort:: I ordered Zone Cleaning and received A bedroom cleaning one too.

These are fun and helpful for Nolan and Zander. Zander can't read so my other charts aren't great for him - they require me to read each instructoin. Nolan's therapist says he has processing trouble and I'm to draw pictures for each instruction I give him - THIS works great. I think the system will easily work without the books - afterall the Zone Cleaning really is my system...but for those with processing disorders or for young children this is FUN and GREAT and I didn't have to make my own charts. LOL

Zone cleaning covers the kitchen, the bathroom and the living room. The chores they list are close to what I have on my daily/weekly chart. There is space to add more chores if you'd like. I let the two younger ones use these when they are assigned one of those rooms.

The bedroom one has a system for cleaning well BEDROOMS. ::snort:: Here you go:

Get out your baskets: labeled toys, returns, books, clothes
Make a giant pile of everything out of place in the middle of your room....
Even from under the bed! WHY do they put toys under the bunk bed....
Sort the things into the four baskets. Grab a basket and TAKE IT WITH YOU as you put things away. Stacia loves to help.
When trash reaches the line; empty it.
Put baskets away.

Simple - but their room has been cleaned all week. OK it is REALLY messy several times a day but when I say "is your room clean" they know exactly how to pick it up now. LOL We'll add dusting and vacuuming as needed.

The photos make this usable for my younger set. It really does help Nolan do what he's asked to do......the therapist is going to think these are COOL. LOL


Kelly said...

Oh I'm so glad I uploaded those lists to SHS. I need to print new ones and they are not on this computer. I didn't to have to redo LOL.

Toys under the bed. A couple years ago, two of the boys' bedframes broke, so their box springs/mattresses are just sitting on the floor. Allen decided that HE wanted his on the floor like that, too. Last fall my Gramma decided it was child abuse to not have bedframes for the boys and wanted to buy new ones. All three of them told her NO WAY! They LOVED not having room under their bed to shove things. One less thing to be in trouble over LOL.....It still is kinda weird that they are on the floor, but I figure they are old enough to know if it is comfy or not LOL.

I love how Stacia loves to help!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

LOL Kelly I had the same thoughts about the files. My computer is still not working and I knew I had the camping list and the chore list on there....I was thrilled to find my list in the files of SHS....if only the camping list was there. LOL

Jodi said...

Great to find something that makes your own system even easier to impliment.

Anonymous said...

Cool on the clean-up!

I'm w/Kelly on the beds. Our 3 have never had bed frames (even though I used to want them). Box spring and mattress are on the floor they still sit high enough they're happy. There is nothing hiding under there, so I'm happy.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Wellll...if I can figure out how to set bunk beds on the floor without a frame - I'm with you.

all in the family said...

How does your system work from your chart? Do you assign one of your children to a room for the week and that is their check off lists? What did you use the cards for?


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Beth - yes, each child is assigned an "extra zone/room" for a week. They also help me with one meal a day, keep their room clean and help with laundry.

The index card system is from Sidetracked Home Executives. Basically you break each job down into parts and put each part on an index card. The cards are colored for daily, weekly, monthly and seasonal. You file the cards behind the date and then as they do them they move them to the next date when the chore is due.....I also tied a monetary value to each job for a time for "allowance" purposes. LOL