Monday, August 06, 2007

CINDY - in regards to your comment on the Freezer Challenge....

Please talk your freezer friends into making ME some meals!!! We can put them on dry ice and mail them here...wala...freezer filled...I'll go to the pool!

Let me know if this will work! ::snort::


Cynthia said...

LOL! I'm not sure that would work, DeEtta but I'll ask them. How about I just post some pictures on my blog. SAD to think that I need a kick in the backside to just get a trip to the freezer meal making place organized. I'd love to be able to take an entire day and stock my own freezer, but I just can't right now. I could take 2 hours though and come home with 12-18 meals prepared. Oh.. and the last time I organized one of these sessions the freezer meal place gave me a home made pie for thanks! That also sounds yummy about now!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Ah c'mon at least send me the free pie! ::snort::

OK Cindy is in our frosty female club...Dorthy, De'Etta, Cindy, Debbie....

How often do you need to defrost yours? I thought 6 months, but it's been 4 months and it was bad again.

AND we can't put anything in the DOOR or it won't seal. BUT it does freeze and it was $75. LOL