Friday, February 22, 2008

In the Air Again (Not to be Confused with On the Road Again)

Mike left this a.m. to fly to Oregon. He will be speaking twice Sunday at the church that my parents attend, the church where I was dedicated, and where we were married.
Monday he will speak at Eugene Bible College - which is where we met and where Mike earned his bachelor's degree. He'll be preaching "real" messages, but also representing the chaplaincy.
The girls are driving down from Spokane to be able to see Mike. (I'm over my pouting jealousy, BTW). Mike's parents are driving up from California to see him. One of his sisters lives in Eugene as well as my brothers and parents. He'll be juggling for sure. ::snort::
If you are so led here are some specific things you can pray about: God's word to clearly be spoken and heard in all services, if there are some meant to be military chaplains that they will clearly hear and heed that call, family time for Mike, good father/daughter time.
Thanks all!


Michelle said...

De'Etta, I'll be praying that if God is calling any men to the military chaplaincy that those men are filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit as they discern this call from God. I'll also be praying for open minds and hearts to doing God's will in their lives. Praying for special bonding time with family too.

Debbie said...

Prayers for a great weekend for everyone and that God will speak mightily through Mike.

I can so understand your being a bit jealous.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Thanks guys....he's there and with the girls....I'm going to eat homemade chocolate popcorn now. LOL