Saturday, June 07, 2008

Photobucket Lazy Saturday

Since we had visitors last night all my Saturday chores are done. ::snort:: We may need to do this more often - though Friday is our "family night". Josiah is having to work so many Friday nights that maybe we should rethink a "family night" night....I also worry that people won't like our food....and that my home is too small to add extra people to - but we always manage.

Josiah went to work sometime this a.m. - not sure when.

I took Jared to a big CAP shindig. I'm not sure what it is but it involves hiking, water, saftey gear, water guns, BBQ.... He'll go home with a friend and then to a football game tonight.

I ran by the Arts & Hobby shop to pick up some "mementos" for tonight's chapel volunteer appreciation dinner. While there I noticed a GINORMOUS printer! HUGE. I asked "can that do 12 x 12 prints? ::snort:: It appears it can but he isn't sure they WILL. I am going to call on Monday and try to pitch the idea that they could print out digital layouts for scrappers. I'm also going to begin to see if *I* can BUY matte photo paper that size for them to print out.... Sherri had contacted a local scrapbook store and they are about to put a machne in....Unique Scrapbooking or something like that for any locals. I contacted Scrapbook University and the one who would know wasn't in. Just maybe there are some local options for printing digital lay outs.....Smile box has a new Father's Day design out..."My Hero" I plan to put Mike's photos from Kuwait on those pages.....but.....I should do something else today. I'm still so thankful Cindy mentioned the Teacher's Toolbox to me - yes - a free year to play with this.

I went to the commissary and priced some things I'm looking at from United...and bought milk, grapes, potatoes, onions and artichokes.

I've been looking at the tutorial for CM's Storybook software. I thought it was just for making books. I'm really thinking that it may be the software for me to friends Sherri and Mary have both talked to me about it. Mary has it and loves it. She sent me a link for a kitty book she put together and I pounced on her to ask the "do you LIKE this program" questions. ::snort:: I really don't think I want my main photos to be in "books" - I like albums....but this software looks great. I think there are pre-made templates, but you can also move text blocks around, use your own fonts etc. It looks fairly easy to use to learn. I think. I'm still watching the tutorials. I need to contemplate cost and then budget.....ah the double whammy.

We have a couple of hours until Mike comes in from the trailer park. We have a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner tonight. Deja graciously agreed to watch the younger 4 children so that they don't have to sit through the dinner. The older boys are working and Jared will be at a football game. I'd forgotten to put the game on my calendar. Oops.

I think I'll go try to make some yogurt pretzels before we go tonight. And work on my United order some more....

Trust all are enjoying their weekends. Mine is incredibly QUIET. LOL

THIS is the most memorable moment of my day. I'm not sure I got the tank FULL - they shut it off when I reached this amount. ::snort::




Joel/ Hollie Dickens said...

i've got several books you can look at if you want using the CM software.

Anonymous said...

Hey ~ It took $97 to fill up our Yukon XL the other day. 'Bout had a heartattack. Didn't think about taking a picture of the pump, though. That would've been a good blog. Maybe next time. Have not done my scrapbooks in a while -- having much too fun with the blogging! I've heard of a company that will make your blogs and photos into a bound book and am looking into that. Enjoy your quiet weekend, ha!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Hollie - I would love to see one of your books.....

I think I need to stop digital scrapping until I print some - because several are telling me they don't like the look of the printed digital pages.....

Mel - I am still shocked at being in triple digits for gas. I only got 25 gal....lots of times I get 30.

Robin said...

I feel your pain at the pump! With my Suburban, I see $100 way too often. Sigh.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

It's a first for me.

Anonymous said...

I will never complain at my $50 to not fill up our mini van! lol

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

LOL Laura, I'm thinking that idea of a mini-van may have merit....but I'm one who has to live with an idea before I'm ready to change. LOL

Cynthia said...

I absolutely *LOVE* our printed out pictures from smilebox. They are crisp, clear, sharp, vibrant colors, etc. The only drawback I've found is that I tend to like to crop the pictures and when I zoom in too much they become a bit blurry, but that's no fault of the printing or the smilebox program.. that's MY photograph problem.

I've printed over 50 pages now and they are *AWESOME*! I'm thrilled to have found smilebox last year at the convention.

I really didn't think I would like the digital print outs because I thought I would miss the 3D look... I got over that one QUICKLY because this is FAST and less expensive than adding all the cute 3D things. I'm adding in other memorabilia as I go along and wow... I'm really getting caught up quickly these days and, again, it's wonderful. Hopefully you can find a place to print yours soon so you can decide if you want to keep going or not. I'm not looking back at all!

Cynthia said...

Regarding the CM program. It's a GREAT program. I just prefer smilebox because it's a subscription service and I don't have to pay for any additional anythings.

That being said, as soon as I start to feel caught up to the point where I can think about something else I will probably do a few pages with the CM program. There are 2 different parts to it... one where you can move things around, chose backgrounds and such that you want and the others are predesigned pages that you don't change. I would say that Smilebox is somewhere in the middle and I'm assuming you'll understand why since it's a combination of a predesigned page that allows you to change a few things.. not move them around, but change them. And.. again, I prefer it because it's a subcription and for $40 a year I can use ALL of their designs as opposed to having to pay for each pack of paper or embellishment that I want/need....

Hope that helps a bit. I'm not dissing the CM program at all.. it's also a great tool.. I sell CM and I still prefer smilebox (LOL). But then I'm always out for the "best buy" so to speak and for me Smilebox is a better buy and no I don't get any kickbacks from Smilebox (LOL).

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Wow!!!!!! 25 gallons would have been 25 bucks when I was married 10 years ago. :( That is a 75% increase!

Pam's Pride said...

OMG!! I so totally hear ya on the gas! We have topped out at $114 as our highest now in our 15 passenger Chevy Express. But, we usually average $100 per fill up now. Back when we first got it in November it was only $85 to fill up.