Thursday, August 07, 2008


We got a fairly good start this a.m. We only had 200+ miles to drive today. We planned to arrive early, set up camp, and wait for the others to arrive.

Along the way we stopped for…..

GAS in Raton, NM…
Then again in Walsenburg, CO.
We arrived at Grape Creek RV Park and managed to get our site moved to the back row – Mike says the wee bit of whining I indulged in paid off well. We decided we needed a tent site and an RV site. The tent sites are along the creek. Our site was across the park. They let us move to the one slot left on the back row….our view is THIS….
mtn view 1
Zander was supposed to tell Mike when to stop. ::snort::
Anyway, this view sure beats the shower house. ::snort::

Everyone pitched in to set up camp.

I made lunch and we ate it while marveling at the mountains.

Unfortunately, my cell phone died and so we have no communication with our traveling family. We decided to explore the area as we waited.

Monkey in the Middle
Grape Creek
stacia flowers
flower 3
mike stacia

We have no picnic table or fire ring here…no s’mores. Ah well that takes care of the marshmallow dilemma…we still are enjoying sitting around camp, viewing the mountains, reading, playing games, (Mike’s studying) and WAITING for the others….

This phrase was oft repeated this afternoon as a storm blew in, “it feels so GOOD to be cold again.” ::snort::

1900 and none of the older kids are here. My cell phone has died. Mike’s phone is NOT for “personal business”. We drove in to Westcliffe and called them from Subway – 4 cell phones and not ONE of them picked up…..we’ll try in a few more hours. Meanwhile we'll play games and eat popcorn.

2000 – Girls arrived. 10 minutes later boys arrived. The boys had been to the top of some mountain – yeah map quest. LOL Eventually, they found us.

All phones are charging.

I fed them all chili and bagels….it’s late now….so off to bed.

©2008 D.R.G.


Cynthia said...

WHOO! Glad all arrived safely. Cell phones... gotta love 'em when they are charged and working!

Anonymous said...


Lovely view! COLD is a wonderful thing when one is out of the HOT place they live...... Do we ever know that feeling. :)

PTL for safe travel for all or you. Now we'll change our main prayer to you all having a great time and safe.

l/p Dad/Mom T

Debbie said...

Ah...all together again! How totally wonderful.

Love the view.

Romany said...

Did Stacia remember the girls from Christmas?

Anonymous said...


Awesome pictures!!

So glad that everyone is back "together."

I have to tell you that my little girl has the same dress as Stacia. (It's the blue and white polka dot one that has the strap go over the head.)

Enjoy your well deserved reunion and vacation.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sis,

AK gas on base is $4.36. This summer has been very overcast and cool temps. Sounds like CO is the right state to vacation this year.

So happy you are all together!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful photo journal, De'Etta. I'm rejoicing with you during your reunion!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Dorothy - yes, Stacia remembered them...probably because she talks to them quite a few times a week and we keep photos posted all over and tell her repeatedly who they are. ::snort::

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

What a hoot, Laura! She loves dresses and I was glad to find some summery ones. Her "camping dress" is the one she painted in a week or so ago. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Thanks all for sharing in our happiness.

Kristine said...

You already can guess what I'll say: I love the pictures!!!!! (I need to go check out Robin's blog too, she usually can make me a little homesick too!)