Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Doors of Hope in a Valley of Trouble (ala Hosea 2:15 NCV)

  • Phone messages of support at Doubletrees
  • 14 free Doubletree cookies
  • 3 offers of homes in the Seattle area (I've decided to go to OR and wait this out).
  • Home to stay in in OR
  • Offer for the title of a truck for the boys to drive to TX.....they have a car in OR so we wouldn't have felt right taking the truck...but what a generous offer.
  • Offers of assistance in a variety of ways.
  • Favorite games given to children before we even realized the games were missing.
  • Cash to help us begin to cover expenses of hotels, replacing clothes, documents etc. This was a costly mistake in many ways.
  • Police report in hand to fax to various spots.
  • Contact numbers and people for me as I work through the issues...and the TIME for Mike to compile all the contacts from slips of hotel stationary into one list before he leaves.

Fun Moments in the Adventure:

  • Everyone at Doubletree recognized us....fellow guests seemed to think our misfortune may rub off and kept a protective bubble around us, employees gave us free cookies.
  • Driving downtown Seattle EMT workers stopped us and asked if we were that family, wished us well and encouraged us....
  • In the same are of Seattle a man who owns a gourmet popcorn store ran up and gave us two big bags. (Yes, the cookies and popcorn were lunch).
  • We got to see the E family again...and Kathy blessed me with a Bible whose text I can see. ::snort::
  • Yep, it's a bit unnerving with folks recognizing us....but also heartening for so many to express their sorrow over this happening in their city. I guess big cities aren't ALL crime and such. ::snort:: Seattle may become my favorite dreamed of big city time.

Here are links to the latest news clips if you aren't tired of seeing our van, our feet and our mugging. ::snort:: King 5 has a great shot of Zander with his Bible (I thought it was Stacia's that was left). KOMONews had a feet fascination. ::grin:: We've not been able to watch clips, so remember that things CAN be taken out of context if something whacky is said. ::snort:: BTW Elisa and Eric (news reporters) were both fantastic to work with and we appreciate their help in trying to recover our stolen items.

Choosing Joy!
©2009 D.R.G.

~ Coram Deo ~
Living all of life before the face of God...


Anonymous said...


PTL for everthing that is good and that has blessed you! PTL for everyone who is standing with you all and praying for you all! PTL you will be on the campus where the kids can see the girls at least a little bit each day. PTL we too will be able to visit and have you all over here etc. I look forward to shopping with you and showing the kids some of the neat things around this area. PTL things are only going to get better as things work out. AND of course, PTL Mike gets to stay a bit more.

See you later today (hopefully).

love/prayers Dad/Mom T

Julie Zesch said...

Praise the Lord for the good. We're continuing to stand with you and agree for restoration in a timely manner. So glad to hear Mike got an extension.
Blessings to you,

Cynthia said...

So glad that people are reaching out to help! Let us know if there is anything we can do from afar.

Yvonne said...

Oh De'Etta...I just popped in to catch up. I'm just so sorry that this is happening. I'm praying for you and yours.