Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Mike worked late last night (after 10 pm) so that he'd have today off. He spent some time talking with his Mom. She sounds very determined to get well and they had a good visit.

We worked on taxes. We were determined to get them finished before Mike leaves. We loaded MP3 players for Mike. I ordered a copy of Soul Craving by Erwin McManus. We're reading it together while Mike travels.

We stashed surprises in Mike's suitcases. This is always dangerous as he's a good snoop. Here he is with the "kisses" we're sending with for each night he's in place.

After all was done we went bowling. Stacia's a blur.

Jared is pleased to announce that he beat Mike in both games.

My hero
Deployment roses....I always get six before he leaves and six when he returns. I was a bit concerned to receive a dozen...but three are for Arielle and three are from Stacia. We'll get a matching set next fall.
We've done much more since I arrived home on Sunday...but we've been living in the moment and I'll have to blog it later.

11 hours....

Choosing Joy!
©2010 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

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1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I am praying for y'all! The roses got me...I cried. I think you get to be labeled with the hero status as well...