I have settled long ago that these are "beneficial leave takings". I have great peace and joy at where God is leading our older Gherkins...but it's always hard to pack up the fun "family together" times and move back to our "normal life".
This morning......we walked and talked.
Krista tried Green Tea and Melon Kit Kats
Jamin didn't really like them, I guess.
We waited....all morning on the front step with our coat and back pack on....
We loaded
It took longer to get to Portland than expected on the google maps route.
We arrived at Office Depot instead of Hertz rental.
We found the rental across the river and they didn't have the van they told us they would have (Toyota Sienna) - we won't fit in a typical mini-van with international travel gear.
We rented it and headed for the Portland Airport. This meant I DROVE a RENTAL over a TALL BRIDGE over a big river...first time I've been on a TALL bridge since the earthquake.... the emotions that came back along with the nerves was rather surprising.
We got the new van. Exchanged bags...said goodbye in the Airport parking garage.
Rather appropriate place for a Gherkin Family photo!
Michael and I shared last pieces of advice with the older kids. These will remain highly top secret and confidential.....hmmm....check out those feet....college will do strange things to a young man.
Finally, the unavoidable happened...goodbye had to happen..... We cross to our van and I snapped a last shot.....
Oops....appears Jared is reluctant to stay on OUR side of the parking garage. ::snort::
I've been asking myself all day, "How do you feel about going home to Japan?" I'll let you know what I answer myself.....when I finally answer myself.
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Very bittersweet, you all made some more great memories.
Great surprise! Now, the girls moved out of their apartment, right? Where will they be staying until Krista heads to Turkey and Bre does whatever she decides to do?
Krista leaves Monday a.m.
Bre has a group of friends coming in to help her move out of the apartment. She'll be renting a room and house sitting this summer. The girls and another friend are looking for a 3 bdr apartment or home in August.
It seems crazy to think they're old enough to take care of all that kind of stuff themselves, doesn't it? And the boys, too, of course!
Sis: was not easy to say "good-bye" but it was a nice "good-bye". love you all, praying for you all. Mom T.
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