Arielle helped make a display board for tonight's fundraiser for Krista.
Michael went to visit his sister. We kept packing and preparing for the fundraiser.....then went on over to Lively Stone Church. This was our Niece Amy's idea. She pulled her parents and husband in on the plan. She did a great job. There was a display on Turkey. Krista talked about what she will be doing and fielded questions. Below is the only photo I got of Amy (left) and Sherri (right) - appropriate they are praying.
Bre, Jared and Arielle preformed a skit on the need for the church to equip fishermen. It was cute and had a point.
Grandpa then prayed for and blessed Krista....and others prayed with her as well. Cathy, shown here, was one of my earliest children's church teachers.
I'm standing between my mother and a newly found 2nd cousin, Sarah. How funny! Krista and Sarah have been attending the same church and discovered at last weekend's ladies retreat Sarah's maiden name was the same as Krista's Great Grandmothers. It turns out that my mom is Sarah's Dads cousin...and she remembers our last visit up there when Bre and Krista were BABIES. Too funny! My brother, Will and nephew, Andrew are in the back. Amy, fund raiser extraordinaire is on the right.
Ms. Trudy Kutz was one of Michael and my professors. Her writing and speech tips have been invaluable. This would be a good time to mention my blog is written on the fly and for fun...not with an eye to grammar and such. ::snort:: Trudy was Krista's academic counselor and a great mentor. She is the one who connected Krista with TEAM. She was also a great encouragement to Krista in her academic pursuits. Bre also loved Ms Kutz. I told them this was a "3 Generation photo". LOL
We packed this day full. I suspect tomorrow will be packed as well.
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Krista is going to Turkey, but what are Bre's plans now that she's graduated?
Couldn't click "email follow-up comments" on my last comment! :(
About 1/2 way down in that post I discuss the girls' plans. Bre is praying about a master's degree but plans to take a year to get financially ready for such a program. She does NOT want huge student loans and her savings are currently depleted.
Whoops! Seems I missed this post completely. Oh Well, it was nice to read it this morning. Brings back some neat memories. Your kids are all such neat achievers. Proud to say the least. love.prayers - mom t.
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