Hmmm....God has been up to something. I, who have serious motion sickness issues, who used to be afraid of her shadow has become a seasoned traveler. I have joked with some that the last few years have been all about me facing each one of my fears.....passport stolen, traveling alone in a foreign country, speaking in public, children in danger I am aware of but can't intervene, on top of a bridge in an earthquake..... Every one of them - and it's incredibly freeing.
I felt no anxiety when the planes were cancelled and delayed yesterday. I figured I had 3 days to figure out how to get to Graduation in Eugene. I saw God's hand at work in Renee taking me to the airport. That gals a WHIZ on the computer...she had alternate airlines, routes, hotels etc all printed for me in the time it took me to alert family I would not be arriving in Eugene as planned and to discuss (the first time) my desire NOT to go to Bejing with Delta. I landed in Tokyo (a place that overwhelmed me 1 1 /2 years ago) and took in stride the news that I couldn't fly out that night, that they really thought I should go to Bejing, that Osama Bin Laden was dead.....hopped on a hotel shuttle and booked a room.
Salad, soup and tomato pasta seemed like normal breakfast fare this a.m. and it hit me....I'm a SEASONED TRAVELER....and I enjoy it. I've also not thrown up on a plane, train or car for over a year. Go God!!!
I've used these extra 8 hours of solitude to meet a PWOCI writing deadline, plan a local PWOC board planning retreat and work on some upcoming changes for PWOC Region. All good....and I a big comfy bed at the Radisson. My only disappointment with this hotel is they don't have an onsen. They seemed surprised I asked about it - guess it's not so common down here as up North for every hotel to have yukatas and onsens.
In a few short hours I'll take a shuttle back to the airport and try to get out again. LOL
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
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