The rest of the week really is a blur.
Michael worked long hours on an exercise (Mon - Tuesday) and then getting things caught up from a DV the week before and well as prepping for us to spend 5 days of leave.
Wednesday, I had a mammogram scheduled...but the clinic had mixed up. There was no radiologist on hand. Sort of necessary. I had decided to redeem the day by having lunch with Ruth, a friend just back from the states and then a pedicure with Jenn, friend I'm just getting to know. When the mammogram was cancelled it turned into a terribly indulgent day with no "yuck" in it. LOL
Much of my week has been spent with emails and Skypes as we prepare for Asia's PWOC conference.
It has been a joy to work with the workshop application team to pray over the conference and the presenters and topics. The three of us are very excited at the way this is shaping up. As scheduled we'll have 15 workshops. Combined with the anointed worship and general sessions....and the otter like touch we're working to bring to the mix... honestly....I think this conference is going to bless our women. I think there will be something for all.
Friday, I took Stacia and Arielle to get pedicures. The ladies loved having Stacia in there and she really loved it as well. Unfortunately, I left home without my phone or camera (two items I always carry these days). I'll have to snap some photos of their feet - Stacia MIGHTY PLEASED. I know this is frivolous for a 6 yo - but honestly - can it hurt for her to love feminine touches? And it is simply something you do in Asia. I remember such in the Philippines.
I discovered on Friday that my ID was expired. Since we were traveling SATURDAY this was vital. I had just enough time to get it renewed - only because the office showed great grace and mercy.
Jared came home from his month-long gig living the high life.
Saturday, bright and early we left for Tokyo. Michael had promised Jared they would climb Fuji and this is IT if it is going to happen. They won't be climbing next year before we PCS. Our plan:
Day 1 Travel - pick up Chris
Day 2 Sight See
Day 3 Fuji for some and sight seeing for others
Day 4 TOKYO DISNEY (our kids have never done Disney)
Day 5 - Travel - drop Chris off at air port
Chris? Did I say Chris? Chris is a friend from our college days. She was in our wedding. We love catching up when we can. The last time we saw Chris and Kevin I was pregnant with Stacia and we were in AK. Her son works for an airline (YES - grand idea) and so Mom and Dad get to fly very cheap.....Chris is a mighty prayer intercessor and has a goal of interceding for Japan while here....and I'm thrilled.
BTW I'm falling in love with Tokyo. I could be happy HERE for 3 years.....dreeeeeeeam, dream, dream....
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Just realized that our husbands will be climbing Mt. Fuji on the same day (I think...Monday??)
Have a GREAT time!!!!!
Yes, Dana, Monday. We're looking for things for the youngers and I to do tomorrow.....
Thanks, Kristine.
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