Last week was VBS in Misawa. God was GRACIOUS and the rain fell in the afternoon - didn't interfere with our VBS plans. The weather was so much cooler than last year - and this is GREAT for those of us in a school with no AC. We had 260 kids and many, many volunteers. A great week!
Arielle was the crew leader for 3rd grade boys. Nolan and I were crew leaders for preschool groups. Stacia and Zander loved participating.
Here are some shots from the week, I have many more, but I think group shots and shots of my own kids are the best bet here.
At the closing session a fire alarm was pulled and we got to evac
For one of the crafts we made hacky sacks for our youth missions trip - the green shirts are mostly the youth who were going on the trip....they delivered them this week - but that may be a different blog post....when I catch you up on THIS week.
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
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