In a strange sense it was wise. If we can maintain a full week of school THIS week, we should be able to maintain the pace any week. We're on track.
We're studying ancient Egypt and the kids really like the change of pace from the 21st century.
Today was an admin day.
I renewed vehicle registrations.
I filled out 3 pages of paperwork for the girls. ::grin::
I ran to the chapel to sign some unexpected paperwork.
I ran by the BX for a few more school supplies.
I ran by the commissary - for real food. I caved and bought Halibut and began to think a move to AK wouldn't be terrible. LOL
We did another full day of school (to include a couple of booklets for our science lapbook).
I made hair appointments.
I made an orthodontist appointment.
I made a follow up appointment for Nolan and found out I have to wait until Friday to make a follow up for myself.
I Skyped about regional conference. I emailed about regional conference. I read and was BLESSED by workshop descriptions from workshop presenters.
I continued to hunt for biographies of Homer and Virgil.
We went to the beach for a couple of hours. The day was beautiful and I know the colder weather will soon be here. The beach always carries a touch of melancholy since the tsunami and all the damage...but we went.
Jared found a DARLING little glass float here the last time he was here....
Watching Jared search among the rocky places
and the trash...reminds me that life is like this....often we find treasure as we navigate the rockiest most unpleasant of spots.
Today I just fond an old traditional geta.
Though really, I found my treasure in renewing my commitment to choose joy, to be willing to be willing, to allow God to be God....and to trust that He will be manifested. Surrender.
I made a chicken dinner at the request of Zander and Stacia.
I inputted a big PWOC library order. Amazon keeps freezing when I try to check out.
The timing between Japan and SC are just not right and I don't think I can stay up to wait to hear from Michael......hopefully we'll connect early tomorrow a.m.
I'm going to go read a bit....
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
I didn't know Michael was in SC...where is he? I live right in the middle of the state!
He's at the "school house" - where would that be....FT Jackson?
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