Note the sassy pink feather! |
Annette shared she knew she had been the best wife and mother she possibly could be. This was good to stop and think about it. Am I able to say the same thing? She shared that self-care emotionally meant protecting yourself in relationships. She shared some of the unique aspects of being a pastor's wife and shared her husband is her BEST friend, her most intimate friend and that she protects that relationship. Next she shared we need to respect ourselves and take care of physical self-care. Finally, Spiritual self care involves "taking care of ourselves." I'm hearing this message often lately. She talked on Mark 11 - Asia Regions Verses. To sum up: practice good self care emotionally, physically and spiritually by protecting, respecting and caring for yourself.
During table time we shared around the theme....and our CRAFT was one I loved. In fact, I plan to make more....I had hoped for Christmas gifts....but I may be leaving Japan before I have time to put this idea into practice. Anyway - we made homemade sugar scrub.
Smells SO good - works AND tastes good. |
Yes, it smelled so good I tasted it...Self care isn't any better than this....defoliation AND dessert at once!
To make:
- Fill jar with sugar and dump into bowl
- Add oil to applesauce consistency (we used safflower as it's what we can get)
- Add 10 drops or so of essential oil (I used peppermint)
- Take origami paper and fit to lid - modge podge
- Add label with modge podge
- Fill jar
Choosing Joy!
©2011 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
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