This week took on a life of its own.
The typical weekly events occurred: PWOC, PYOC, drama, chapel events, baking, cooking, cleaning, dental appointments.....
Ministry continued for both Michael and I...inside and outside of our home.
Tuesday evening we received an email that Michael's father had been taken to the hospital on Sunday. We spent much of the rest of this week skyping with various family members, emailing family, checking in with nurses and nursing home staff and researching options for Dad Earl's long term care. He simply cannot bear any weight at this point. Mom Mary will not be able to care for him.
My parents are busy getting our trailer fixed so it can be used if others visit Crescent City. Thanks, Mom and Dad.
Josiah and Jamin are figuring out the best timing to visit Grandpa. Bre and Krista are happy to have gone down a couple of weeks ago. They've also helped us discover options near them for long term care and living arrangements.
A joy has been that we've simply MADE time to talk each day with Mom Mary on the phone. Sure school starts later, Michael has to be up earlier....but it's been good to hear her heart and know firsthand how she is doing. We love skype.
A fun point of the week.....year's 9 1/2 years ago...a 8 yo boy had a favorite toy.....
TAZ.....Taz had first been Jamin's toy...Jamin gave him to Jared one year for Christmas. Taz had gone on many camping trips with us....but alas, somehow on the move from San Antonio to Alaska...TAZ DISAPPEARED! Jared has always had a theory that one of the packers stole him. I assured him Taz would show up when we unpacked but he never did.
I have looked all these years for a Taz just like this one.....but never found one.....Jared posted the above photo a few weeks ago on his FB...Being a TCK (third culture kid) is child should lose his favorite toy in a move...or have his parents assure him it will turn up - and it not....
I went online one more time....and couldn't find the exact Taz...though I thought I had....
Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
Still praying for your family and Mike's dad. Fun story about Taz, maybe someday, at a yard sale or in a discount store or a random ebay search the correct Taz and the boys will be reunited once again!
SIS: What can I say? nothing like parents and their desire to make their children happy (no matter the age). Praying the right one shows up some day. I'd look but I don't really know what the original looked like anymore.
Praying for Earl...and mary
Mom - the original one is in the first photo in Jared's hand.
Yep - we've been looking all these years. LOL
So nice to have adult kids state side to help with such things!
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