Here is one funny event from the hospital stay. The first night after the surgery, I was constantly struggling with a really dry mouth. I was allowed to have ice chips. De'Etta had been up with me for quite a while, and I knew she was tired. I decided I could do the ice chip thing on my own. I held the cup on my chest with one hand and used the other to spoon ice chips and some of the melted water. This was going fine until I began to nod off. You know those sudden muscle spasms you have when you startle awake? Yup, I had one of those. Doused myself right in the face with that cup of ice chips and water. Wow! What a way to wake up. Thank you, De'Etta, for coming to my rescue and even getting the water out of my ears.
Choosing Joy!
©2012 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...
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