Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bitten by the Spring Bug!

Sometime between studying the solar system and Explode the Code it BIT me - the spring bug! I stepped outside and sure enough it was WARM.  It was 11:30 p.m. and time for RECESS.  I was positively giddy when we discovered we didn't need our coats! 

ALL the kids decided to join us for this celebration. We went to feed the ponies...and waved at "our farmer" who also seemed to be enjoying the first real spring-like day in months.

On the other side of his garden he has cleared a spot for a community park.  

Even the big kids enjoyed the swings

Stacia wants to know if we can build a house like this at the new house - I don't know. 

We continued our walk by visiting the pond. The ducks and geese were all out enjoying the pond....but quickly left when we arrived. 

We had no idea this pond or the ponies were the next block over when we signed our lease. What a blessing it has been to have so much nature down the street. 

It was at this point that the "noon music" began to play. We stayed another 30 minutes and started home for lunch. We talked about bringing lunches over (and the kayak). Arielle reminded us that in a few weeks the "vampire bugs" will be we'd better act on this impulse before it really warms up enough for the critters and snakes to wake up. 

Go Yuuki! 

Yuuki enjoyed exploring the pond

On our walk back to the house we ran into a group of homeschooling siblings also out enjoying a break. The outing motivated us to finish up by 2:00 p.m.  and get back out in the sun. 

I met a friend over at the produce market. We sipped our drinks in the green house under the banana trees, talked as we enjoyed the foot onsen, did a bit of produce shopping....and met another friend in the parking lot as we left. Shannon helped her mother and I make a connection: we are both women who had our last child at 42. This meeting was a heavenly hug. I've had a few struggles lately and I saw the possible  face of  my future as I embraced Shannon's vibrant and coherent mother (her last recently graduated!). 

After a quick dinner, Akikosan came over. A Three friend day - it doesn't get too much better than this! Akikosan is going to attend the talent show with us next week. 

Michael shocked us by pointing out that our things may well be packed out in 3 weeks. Um...YIKES. We are wrapping our mind around what to send when. We could be done with school in 3 weeks...and if our things were packed out...maybe we'd feel more free to just explore. 

The night ended with a meaningful family is good. 

My heart whispers, "I can't  possibly say goodbye to this place." Yet, we are learning to lean into the pain of goodbye and embrace the next step...slowly. 

Choosing Joy!
©2013 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...

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