Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday's Fun

Still back dating.....

We love visiting our home church. It was a blessing to have BreZaak sitting with us.....and then Michael, our kids and Nadia went to the Food Court.

Krista  met us. The G family joined us...always nice to visit with Mark and Cindy.

Eugene has a great river walk....a real river walk....not a profit center. LOL  We met Rebecca, Michael's sister, and her pups. We walked along a great river, beside community gardens, through Rose gardens, to Alton Baker park and back again. I would love to find something like this in CA....though it's HOT here and a 2 hour walk isn't appealing in the heat. LOL

My family are such great sports about the photo thing

Smash Face -  A Gherkin original - Nadia is Nate and Heather's gal

Mrs. D STILL refuses to play Smash Face - as does her groom

Another game

Stacia made me a Daisy Chain - precious

Mike gets up close and person with a goose

We stopped by Dicky Yo's for some dessert, heading to BreZaaks for a tour and then back to Krista's. We introduced her to Dixit - the verdict is out. 

Bre had missed the nail session so did her nails...and we enjoyed a nice long walk....

...while Michael and Drew caught a playoff game

We ended the night with waffles, nutella and strawberries...this may need to become another Sunday night tradition...up there with the ice cream. 

Choosing Joy!
©2014 D.R.G.
~Coram Deo~
Living all of life before the face of God...


Anonymous said...

beautiful time, pictures and so glad you all had a great time. next time. all well now except I can't quit coughing so deep even tho the antibiotics have done their work.

love you all so much!

Anonymous said...

It took me a few seconds to figure out who "Mrs. D" is;p

Thank you so much for visiting! It was so wonderful to have you here:)
Bre D