Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Our First Trailer Birthday

Stacia & Alex made the banner - they spelled Happy Birthday right to left
so that it would read correctly when Michael came out of the room

Happy, Happy Birthday to You
Happy, Happy Birthday to You
Jeeesus lovvvvesss you
Happy, Happy Birthday to you

The year of the double-nickel. Michael turned 55 today. It's a new and wonderful thing to have birthdays when one is retired. ::grin::

Birthday calls from Gherkins far and wide.

 Michael wanted to go to Denney's and eat off the 55+ menu. So we did. He discovered the same meal was $3 cheaper off the value menu. ::snort::

Perusing the 55+ menu
I discovered lonely women will strike up conversations with others in the stall next to them...and I found it very odd indeed.

We ran a couple of errands and then bowled 5 games.

Of course, we had gifts and cake too.

Fun card
Traditional Whoppers
5th year of Dilbert Daily Calendars
Retiree License Plate
 I had to order the hat online....this photo - we've come up with lots of captions for it - I'll leave it to you to title as you like.  

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