Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday's New Norm

 Phoenix assured I wouldn't sleep in this morning. No one else was up and our church service didn't start until 11:00 a.m.....

The mountains called; I went for a 3 mile walk. I was pretty amazed to have time for a Sunday morning walk. I've decided I need pepper spray for a bit of added protection after walking a good 3/4 of a mile with an odd man. I turned on my camera and filmed.....not much protection but something. LOL 

This snuck up on me - but I doubt pepper spray would prove helpful. 

Dust baths...because. 

We watched church, discussed the message, ordered take out and Michael and Dad headed out to pick up food. Dad enjoys getting OUT.  We debated eating in and I am glad we didn't. They weren't taking the social distancing "mandates" very seriously. We'll eat in..and probably won't order take out again from them until this is over. 

 I made a play structure for the girls...they are not impressed. 

Michael finished a fishing rod holder for Josiah. It will hold 15 rods...

We are 4 weeks from our last frost, I planted seeds. 

 This family went to get take out and then HAD to come to come for a visit. 
Kimber, Arielle (and Sweet Pea), Benny, Cory 

Look how BIG Kimber is getting....before anyone gets Alaska you can gather in groups of 20 or less if you practice social distancing from those who don't live in your home. We were outside and thus, did not need a mask. We attempted 6 feet apart...and succeeded for the most part.  Papa Michael sprays the play structure and trampoline down before kids arrive. We have wipes for surfaces, balls and trucks,  and sanitizer for hands....and we'll spray after they leave too.....this allows us all to visit...let's the kids play at a safe, germ free playground as the parks are still closed in town.  G G really LOVES being able to see the grandkids and great grand kids again. It's been a long 7 weeks for him. 

The "kids" put up the trampoline today...and then Benny came to play. This may have been the 6 foot exception.  Benny has begun talking up a STORM in the past 6 weeks. It was fun to hear all his new expressions. 

 Swinging - no snow....what a difference a week made! 

Baachan, I can climb it. 

Michael got the fire going - and the s'more kit is always an option for drop in guests! LOL 

It was a wonderful day. It feels much more normal when the adult kids start dropping in...and now they can.  We can do this for another 2 weeks...

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