Friday, August 14, 2020

Stacia Cut Her Hair

 Stacia has been growing her hair for years. She has been talking for over a year about cutting. Her sisters and I have been curious what will happen to her hair when she cuts it - we suspect waves and curls.  

She has decided, with her 15th birthday on the horizon, to cut her hair.  

I had told Norma she had a LOT of hair....after about 30 seconds Norma came out and asked if they could donate her hair to Locks of Love. YES! 

Yep, she got the curls and waves, along with the height.  

Jared flew over or up from Juneau.  At this point in time (I'm writing in Oct), GG hadn't woken up from surgery. He flew up to be with us when he heard we had agreed to take GG off life support if he didn't wake up in a week.  GG had 4 more days to wake up.  These were tense days and it was nice to have Jared here. 

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