As is typical - left over pictures I had good intentions of blogging all thrown together.
July began when Danny, Krista and Jenny took the youth group camping. Here, Michael helps set up camp. Allie came out after she got off work and had the next day off - we were glad both girls were able to attend.
While they were off paddleboarding, playing games, eating s'mores and swimming...I worked in the garden. I planted the two spots of lettuce about 3 weeks apart, but it is ready at the same time.
We are happy to see our one lone fireweed plant has spread. We found a meadow at the back of the property with fireweed. I love it.
I've been planting zinnias wherever I can find a bit of dirt. This turned out to be a blessing. As I write in August, I can find bright spots of colors in the midst of the weeds. LOL
We stopped by the store on the way home from camping...this is about what summer is like. Family, kayak and groceries.
Ah, July 3rd. It all began so innocently. I took manure and timothy hay from Dash's hutch and spread it throughout my beds. Things GREW...but from the hindsight of August I now have all sorts of new weeds, clover etc. wherever I spread the manure. See the sprout on its side? Something is getting into the garden and eating plants from ROOTS up.
About this time, I bought a paddle board for US. Jamin loves his. Kareen and Aubry love theirs. Jenny loves seems to be a good addition to our arsenal of water toys.
July 6th...Stacia and I hauled compost and dirt to the dip in the ground and planted sunflowers and Dahlias in it. I'm hoping for blooms this year...and to keep the moose away.
The greenhouse is emptying of plants....and I've planted the watermelons with great hope.
We had planned a trip to the swimming hole out our way on the 7th. The rain began....we diverted to games at CoRielle's. Little did we know the rain would continue through July...still raining now in mid-August.
The plants seem to be liking the does make watering easier. LOL
Today's haul |
In the hoop house the tomatoes and cucumbers are growing. Maybe we'll get tomatoes this year. I must STAKE them next year.
Nolan goes over fairly regularly to talk with Bre and play with nieces and nephews. Thanks, Bre for sending photos.
This little guy is warming up to PEOPLE/STRANGERS. He's smiling, letting us talk and hold him, and even stayed in the nursery on August7th.
Jojo is 20 months here |
In July C made weekly over-night visits to CoRielle's home. We planned, worked towards and hoped he would be moving into their home on July 27th. It was not to be. They ARE officially licensed as a foster/adopt home now. We are praying for August. Note, C's face is not visible, and his name is not mentioned. If you are local, I have the "face photos" on my phone. ::snort::
Benny, Danny, Arielle, Corry and C |
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