Wednesday, April 03, 2024

Wednesday's see... what have I done today...who have I talked to...where did I go? What can I share? 

Bread. I got bread.  I baked the boule - not pretty but tastes great. I baked another 9 dinner rolls...and got everything fed and started to bake another boule tomorrow morning. I'm playing around with how to do 2 loaves or rounds a day...but I only have one Dutch I am doing the rolls. LOL 

The girls' college schedules worked out so both are home on Wednesdays. It's been great to have a day with them around - even though they are usually sleeping in and hitting the books heavily all day.  I had a nice conversation with Allie this morning and another good conversation with Stacia this evening. 

I did get 3 miles in on the treadmill. 

Stacia requested stroganoff for dinner...I ran out to get sour cream. 

Michael was "off" and spent most the day in bed.  

GG took a long nap too. 

This was supposed to be our small group night. Our group has been paused as our leader is moving out of state. 

I spent an hour or so this evening helping Stacia get a new phone set up. 

Me: My daughter dropped her phone in a snowbank and then the plow man came and plowed the driveway. The phone is lost until the snow melts. She bought a new one and would like to keep her old number. It's a Straight Talk phone. 

Tracfone: I am going to send a verification code to your phone to authenticate your account before we can switch the phone number to her new phone.

Me: The phone is in the snow berm. 

Tracfone: Did you receive the code, maam? 

Me: The phone is in the snow. 

Tracfone: Ah - yes, it says it received it. 

Me: The phone is buried deep in snow. I don't have the phone.

Honestly, this gal was the BEST customer service agent we've dealt with from Tracfone AND she got it done much quicker than any of the other agents we've dealt with over the years.  It just took a bit for her to understand the significance of a phone being buried in a snow pile. LOL  She was surprised we have snow in April. 


1. I am so thankful for the Bible. I'm seeing lots of things in new ways this year as I read through it. 

2. A customer service agent that was very helpful! 

3. Everyone home for dinner. 

4. A lunch date to look forward to next week. 


Anonymous said...

I am enjoying reading your deep journey with Jesus. I sent you a personal message about Japanese church but it may be unnoticed since we’ve never met. Have a look for it. :)

Anonymous said...

Ack. I will go look.