Saturday, May 25, 2024

May Game Night

 Nolan, Alex, Allie and Stacia began having game nights when the bachelors moved out of our house. This fall Jamin and Krista joined the group, and established game night as a monthly event. Yes, we have a family celebration at our home...and a monthly family game night too.  AND Krista and Nolan meet weekly for dinner -  others join when they can arrange the details.  Sometimes GG doesn't want to go out and either Michael or I go alone.  Honestly, we are getting tired of the divide and conquer solution. We'd like to do things as a couple. LOL 

THIS month Luke, Krista and the kids hosted game night and we simply told GG it was time to get in the car and we headed to JBER (Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson). LOL 

CoRielle and BreZaak came to base earlier in the day to enjoy the parks. This was Bre's children's first time to base. She took the time to show them around her old stomping grounds...including the site of her first job...Charlie's Steaks and Phillies. 

Bre and Kids at the BX food court - 📷via BreAnne

Krista had prepared a great set up for us. She had tables of games set up around the room, we enjoyed pizza and snacks and there was even a basketball hoop and exercise structures to enjoy outside. 

Cory, Arielle, Stacia and Nolan
Rylan in the background with the oculus

We were happy Mark and Mona, Luke's parents and their kids' grandparents, joined us this month. We haven't seen them, other than our court appointments, since we began attending church in Eagle River. It was fun to be able to sit, catch up and simply socialize...without any big feelings. 

Michael, Ellie Rae and Mark catching up 

Gideon joins the crew 

BreAnne and Allie

Jojo, Trudy and Charles try Jamanji 

Oh, the fun Army PT equipment bring...looked up at one point and saw Charles and Danny putting their heads under the straps.... time for more hands-on supervision. LOL 

📷via Krista

Krista and Danny, Jojo, Charles and Trudy 📷via Luke

I totally missed grabbing a photo of myself, Mona, Kaelyn, Luke, Bella or Jamin....and yet, I did grab these! LOL  The families with young ones decided to head home around 7:30 or 8 p.m.  This was the first time we had brought GG to a game night and he was ready to get home. We hadn't thought the logistics through. Our gals and Nolan were not ready to go home. We ended up heading home early so GG could get to bed, and they borrowed Krista's car and drove home when they were ready.  We returned their car Sunday at church. 

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