Friday, May 31, 2024

Super Full Friday

Another morning when I had to be sure to get Michael up and at it and GG up, showered and fed by a set time! LOL  

I'll throw in a quick medical update for Michael, he has had more follow up labs. We are expecting results and new medications any day.  

Stacia spent the night at Carrie's last night and will spend the day with Liv and Josi today. 

My cousin, Darla, IS IN TOWN! What? Darla lives in Luisanna. I've not seen her since Gram's funeral though we've kept in touch via Facebook. Dennis and Darla have been on quite an amazing trip....up the west coast on a train, cruising to AK, busses to Denali, cruising to Canada and then on to the train again and closing the circle on their way home. So often people go on an Alaskan cruise and think we'll be able to meet up with them...but y'all Alaska is a BIG state and there are parts where most cruise that would take us DAYS (and current passports) to meet up. It's always a bonus when people take Alaskan cruises which go into Whittier or Seward...a few hours from us.  We were excited to know Dennis and Darla would be in Anchorage for a day before heading to Whittier to catch the cruise ship. 

We stopped by Carrie's and dropped Allie off to spend some time with Stacia and the girls. It's a good thing we did as Allie was the only one who thought to take any pictures all day long. LOL  The four girls and Willow headed out to walk to Liv's new school. 

Enjoying nature

Josi will be 4 months in a week 

I LOVE to see this bond developing! 

Michael, Dad and I went to lunch with Dennis and Darla and spent some time catching up. We headed to the Alaska Fur Exchange as there were some souvenir items and artwork Dennis wanted to find and this was the recommended location to shop by others on their tour.  I was impressed with the wooly mammoth tusks...

I am kicking myself for not getting a photo of all of us.  Our next stop was Earthquake Park. We dropped Darla and Dennis off at the Captain Cook Hotel and went to pick up Allie. 

We pulled into our driveway and noted Cory was around somewhere. We couldn't find him; we could hear Danny's voice...they brought over some starts and came back to help plant them. Cory and Michael put up a trellis in one of the gardens. They decided NOT to use the wooden trellis' we brought from Carrie's after all.  Danny took helping very seriously - again I must remember to take photos! He watered the beds I've planted. He cleaned out pots I wanted to up-plant some of Cory's starts into. He helped me plant a couple and then was off and running. 

Allie ran and got Lady, BreZaak's dog, and took her on a walk to the river. 

We finished our lunches for dinner...

We were surprised to discover while putting GG to bed he hadn't realized who Dennis and Darla was. I had told him we were meeting up with his niece today.  It was sad he wasn't 100% sure even after we reminded him of the connection....Mom's brother's daughter from Luisana and her husband...

I spent a few hours with my heating pad....and we watched a couple more episodes of Young Sheldon. Stacia got home about 9 p.m.  It was a good day. 

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