Today was about remembering Josiah, making new memories and celebrating past memories. I did not even put waders on today! I informed all I would not be touching a single salmon. I was going to the beach to be with Carrie and remember happy memories. We also planned to make new memories. Which is exactly what we did!
Carrie, Josiah, Livie - 2020 |
Carrie shares it was in this very spot in 2020 she knew she was in love with Josiah. We laughed over our shared memory of trying to air fry wings for this crew in the RV. Josiah was so enamored with Liv. I remember him showing her how to clean salmon. Josiah turned to me when she'd walked off and said, "Mom, she's so smart. She asks the best questions - always." I knew he was smitten. We were also smitten with Carrie and Liv. It was on this trip he told us he thought he would one day marry Carrie. Luke drove down to spend a few hours with Krista on this trip too. This year foreshadowed the joy and family fun to follow.
July 2021 |
A year later and Josiah and Carrie (and Livie) were engaged. They got married soon after this trip in August 2021.
July 2022 |
Who could forget this iconic photo in 2023? We were all so excited for the picture to be taken and the news shared! Carrie and Josiah were expecting a baby. Unbeknownst to us Cory and Arielle were also expecting a baby. They kept quiet so the focus was all on Josiah and Carrie's news.
Carrie, Josi, Livie & Josiah 2023 |
Carrie was SUCH a trooper to come camping in her first trimester. If you are new to the blog, you may not know, but three months after the above photo was taken Josiah was killed at work, protecting a co-worker from certain death. We are so very grateful for the years we have been coming down to Kenai; for the love shared and memories made. I'm also thankful Carrie took these pictures through the years - or had us take them. How we love and cherish Josiah's girls and our moments with them!
Livie, Josi, Carrie - 2024 |
We all debated coming down this year. I'm glad we did. Josiah loved it down here - the family, the fishing, the scenery. We all feel his presence strongly, keep expecting his laughter or his voice...and that is a hard good.
I noted Livie's new sweatshirt immediately. I don't believe we've been on one single camping trip with Josiah in the past two decades where this blue plaid didn't show up. It was PERFECT and comforting to see Livie wearing it.
Livie and Josi |
The gals didn't want to fish this year. It's enough to be here, play in the bouncy house, watch the water...
Me, Carrie, Josi, Ellie & Etta (Carrie's neices) |
Charles |
Allie & Josi |
While we were content to observe from camp chairs, Benny was EXCITED to go fishing. Cory planned to spend the day with the boys in the water. Unfortunately, Danny and Stacia are both feeling under the weather and stayed at camp with Arielle & baby Ellie. Michael was in much pain this morning and opted to stay at the RV as well. Krista and Luke drove with us to the bluff and drove the trucks back to camp. Krista finished a paper, and they came back and picked us up when we were done. Benny informed me he thought he'd catch "about 10" salmon. We first began dip netting with Benny when he was 7 or 8 months old. Here he is at 7 - ready to take on the river! Later in the evening Benny told Arielle, "Uncle would be so proud of me." Yes, he would be.
Cory and boys |
Alas, he did not catch any fish-TODAY. Yesterday was rainy - today was beautiful but windy and the water was rough. Jenni went out hoping to catch a few more salmon since we were down at the beach anyway.
Jenni heads out! |
She caught some AMAZING waves, but no new salmon. She was wet from her head to her toes when she came in. Her legs had swollen alarmingly...People really began catching salmon about the time we left the beach.
So MUCH water!
We ran into friends on the beach and stopped to chat a bit. It was great to see Britney and Stacy. We were in time to watch Stacy bring in two fish at once!
2 itty bitty flounders? |
Jamin met us back at the RV. We grabbed lunch and visited a bit.
We headed out to a more secluded area of the beach. One thing we will be doing in the next months is scattering some of Josiah's ashes in his favorite places, before burying the remainder of his ashes in a local cemetery. It feels right to be visiting his favorite places together. Today, we visited Kenai. (In case you tend to be one to worry about such things, we have checked state regulations, and I never blog personal things without asking. Carrie is o.k. with me blogging.)
When I saw Carrie taking the above photos, I did the same to get a photo to mark the spot, and when we got home, I realized I'd caught Michael in one of the shots. Seeing Michael cradle the container with Josiah's cremains in his arms was poignant. My heart was flooded with memories of him carrying Baby Josiah. I could nearly feel the weight of 9 lb Josiah myself.
We ended the day making some fun family memories. We've tried to swim at the Nikiski pool for 7 years! We are usually fishing when it is open. Arielle, Danny, Ellie, Stacia and I went back to the RV to hang out...everyone else made it to the pool. Carrie grabbed some shots for me to share. Everyone reported having great fun. The smiles tell the story.
Charles & Cory in the back Josi, Krista and Luke |
Etta, Liv, Josi, Benny & Ellie |
Carried fixed chili for dinner and we had a great time sitting around and visiting. Here are some quick glimpses caught and shared....
Josi and Danny |
Cousins held by cousins. |
Benny, Etta and Charles |
.jpg) |
Ellie & Josi - First dip netting trip! |
Cory broke away with Liv and Ellie. |
Luke, Danny, Cory, Charles, Liv, Ellie, Ellie (elder) and Josi |
Carrie and the girls headed to the motel. Jamin headed back to Eagle River. Cory, Arielle and kids headed to their cabin. We built a fire! We knitted, read, visited...eventually Krista and Luke said goodnight. Luke and Krista are slated to move June 2025. This is probably our last dip netting with them for a while. I'm glad they are here. We stayed around the fire a bit longer.
30+ yrs of McManus by the campfire |
This day is full. We've lived it well. We're praying Danny and Stacia feel better tomorrow....though at this point it's now 1:12 a.m. on Sunday. LOL
Living fully present
Safe travel down and home for Jamin
Campfires tonight and through the years
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