When saying that I’m led to “study” through the Bible this year instead of “read” through the Bible this year, am I inferring that there is something wrong with the goal to read through the Bible in a year? No.
This issue of an annual race through the Bible is one I’ve wrestled with for years. I am allergic to legalistic religion and the way this concept has been presented to me through the years, does, I must admit, smack of legalistic religion. A checklist, if you please, to make me “feel good” about my walk. I’ve resisted. Since Bible College days I’ve had a passion to inductively study the Word. Crawling through the Bible some would say. {Grin} Wasn’t that far better than simply racing through the Bible year after year? Wasn’t the 15 – 20 hours a week that I spent in the Word to prepare to teach Precept courses ENOUGH time in the Word? I reached the conclusion that it was and that I would not fall into the legalistic trap of checking boxes as I read. This was my “former position”. My “current position” has evolved over time.
Quite a few years ago a godly woman made a comment that resonated in my spirit. Nelda Thomas is a Precept Area trainer now in her upper 60’s. I consider her to be one of my mentors. I first met her at a workshop I attended in Ekalaka, MT. We met again at a ladies retreat at Diamond Bar X and it was my joy to host her at a ladies retreat in Alaska and a workshop at Elmendorf AFB in AK. She is quite a lady. Nelda loves the Lord, loves the Word and loves the body of Christ. She KNOWS her Bible. She explained to me that she has a daily STUDY time. She explained that she also (in addition to her study and class prep time) has a DEVOTIONAL time. SHE reads through the Bible at least once a year. Hmmm…of course I had to explore her reasoning? God has given her the gift of teaching His Word to the body and therefore she must be immersed in it, intimately acquainted with it. She must handle this gift well because of her love for the Lord and for His family. (These are my words to explain her challenge to me).
After prayer, I began to race through the Bible year after year. I have learned there is much to be gained through reading the Word over and over. You develop a sense of context that you miss even when you are careful to place individual books into context. You also find yourself reading obscure passages that are often not chosen for local studies.
Someone once told me that in reading through the Bible in a year I should read it "like a novel" and when I study a book inductively I'm studying more "like a school assignment". Racing or Crawling? I believe both approaches are valid and both are needed in the body of Christ. I race through the Bible and I glean context and familiarity. I crawl through specific books of the Bible and I mine the gems beneath our cultural understanding of what I've read. I learn to accurately handle the Word of truth and I glean accurate and powerful applications for my life.
Regardless of our chosen approach, we all need to be in the Word. Recent surveys have shown the majority of those who claim the title “Christian” are NOT spending time in the Word, in prayer, or in fellowship with the body of Christ. It's sad. It’s been my practice each year to race through the Bible while I crawl through 3 - 4 books.
As I’ve prayed about the plans and goals that God would have me set for the upcoming year, I'm led to begin a survey/study of the entire Bible. I believe there are seasons when the Holy Spirit will lead us to do something different than we've always done or different than we'd planned to do. This is one of those seasons for me. I will not be racing through the Word this year, because I am led to “Power-Walk” (cross between my normal paces of racing or crawling) through the Word this year. I’ve reached this conclusion not because reading the Bible in a year is a worthless endeavor but because I want to be even more familiar with the obscure sections, I want to be more comfortable with context. I’m not attempting (at this time) to do an in-depth, inductive study of each book of the Bible. I want more depth than the typical survey which includes historical background, main theme, date and author. I also want to study it personally and not simply read another's summary and commentary(good as they may be). I'm certainly not sure I can accomplish my Power-Walk in a year (most plans I find are scheduled to take 3 years), but I believe my desire to begin this Power-Walk is God-pleasing, Spirit-birthed and will produce fruit in my life regardless of the date when I reach the finish line. I'm excited that I will shortly be even more familiar with the Word that I've come to love so much.
In my ministry with women through PWOC, I’m often asked where I find the time to read through the Bible in a year, participate in local Bible Studies, and study a book or two in-depth. The sad thing is that many Christians don't find time to even participate in a local study that will require more than 10 or 15 min a day of their time. Many don't find the time to read even 10 minutes a day. I was challenged to rethink my attitude toward the time it takes to be a woman of the Word by Nelda Thomas and Jan Priddy (Precept Trainer/Workshop Teacher and on staff at the National office of Precept Ministries). Both have made the comment that there are 24 hours in the day and we can certainly give God an hour of our day! This convicted me. The next step came when I began to realize that I could at LEAST tithe of my time..... That would be roughly 2.5 hours a day. Previously I've been able to race through my reading plan and participate/teach inductive studies locally within this daily time frame. Because I'm often the teacher it has been easy to combine my crawl through a book with local teaching responsibilities. Sometimes I was doing what I would call "fluff" or "milk", an in-depth course and reading plan and it has always been able to be accomplished in less than 2.5 hours a day. However, computer time and communicating with others often have to take back burner to bigger goals for the day or week.
I’ve been led to the realization that I need to do all I can to make sure MIKE has the opportunity to tithe his time in personal time with the Lord. I’m possessive of the few hours he has at home, but we are discussing and praying over schedule changes that will make a set “study hour” in our home for all those who need it. He may stay at work even later a few nights a week to have this time. I believe it is important, as his helpmeet, that I do all I can to support his goal in this area.
I hope this clearly explains why I’m doing what I’m doing and why I feel that any time in the Word will be beneficial. As you read the Word this year may you come into personal contact with the Lord of the Word, may you develop an accurate view of who He is and what He requires of you, and may you be transformed by the time you’ve spent in relationship with Him through study of His Word.
http://blog.honeypot-hollow.com/ This is the blog of a friend of mine. She reads through the Bible twice a year and has listed links to many reading plans
Personally, I will be using the New Inductive Study Series and the plans in my New Inductive Study Bible for my power-walk. http://www.precept.org/newindex.html here is a link to Precept Ministries.
Another great site to download FREE inductive studies and information is http://collegelife.grace-bible.org/html/download_bible_studies.htm
Wow! Sis, I love the way the Lord has raised you............Dad/I are proud of your ministires and definitely Thank him for you wisdom and words.
Seems God has been very good to us in giving us three great kids, three great spouses for our kids and 17 wonderful G'kids. Yes, there are a few others we consider G'Kids too.
love and always prayers,
Thank you for posting your thoughts and the way the Lord is speaking to you. I've been encouraged by your words to deepen my walk with the Lord, and to make more time to study His Word. I've always wanted to really "study" the Word and move past my little devotional books. I've never really known where to start. The links that you provided look like the perfect starting point for me.
Jen in Az.
Glad they helped, Jen.
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