We have an incredible sense of accomplishment when we look back over the past 15 weeks. Sure, we could be further along, but we’ve come a long way. The older boys had to learn a totally new program. The younger ones have been making great strides in the areas of weakness we had pinpointed. We’re on track.
Highlights of our school since I last wrote:
~Nolan, Arielle and Jared have finished their astronomy text! We’ve been working through “Exploring Creation with Astronomy” http://www.highschoolscience.com/ We will begin “Exploring Creation with Zoology” in January.
~Jared is rushing ahead with his math text! This is a major break through for him. He is scoring 90-100% on all tests and assignments. His goal is to finish his current book by the end of January. He hopes to complete a second text by the end of the school year which will get him “caught up”.
~Arielle has finished another Explode the Code (phonics) book. She only has one reader left in the Sing, Spell, Read & Write program http://www.pearsonlearning.com/singspell/index.cfm. Her goal is to finish this program by the time school begins again on 2 January.
~Nolan is on Step 11 of the Sing, Spell, Read & Write program (the program consists of 36 steps). We’ve had a lot of fun noting the changes in the program since we began using it back in 1995.
~Stacia, Zander, Nolan, Arielle, Jared and I visited a local Christmas Tree Farm.
~Jamin has finished the rough draft of a book he’s been writing for several years. He is now revising it…spending hours at it and seeming to enjoy it. Mike and I are anxiously awaiting our turn to read the book.
~Jamin and Josiah are writing their first ever research papers. Yes, we are behind on this one. I’ve tended to let writing slide because I “know” what they know…but we’ve learned that this is not a good plan. Jamin is writing “Davy Crockett – personification of the American Spirit”, and Josiah is writing “The Hindu Belief in Reincarnation: How it affects the Hindu Worldview – contrasted with the Biblical view of the afterlife and how THAT affects the Christian Worldview”. Ok, ok….no catchy title yet for Josiah but that seems to be where he is heading…at a quick pace.
~Nolan, Arielle and Jared are currently working on a unique Advent Season writing assignment. They are taking daily pictures of things that remind say “Christmas” to them and then writing about that item. Yes, we miss our Nikon D 70 which was due back weeks ago from New York City. I’m starting to think we may have to track its journeys….TX, Amityville, NYC, Anchorage, AK, Amityville and we are assured it is winging its way back to TX “now”.
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