Friday, January 13, 2006

Hanging Around!

Have ya’all been praying that this little gal would let others hold her???? Sunday she went to Mary Elizabeth for about 40 minutes. She has also settled down for the boys. Mike asked me to try Bible Study again and leave her home with him and she did great!

She does still want to be held. I’ve been trying to figure out how to hold her and cuddle her with my wrists….which get sore in ratio to the hours I hold this bouncing ball of energy…..I remembered the back pack!

Unfortunately, I didn’t remember HOW to put a baby in the pack and had her in it backwards….she loved looking OUT on the world, I enjoyed not getting spit-up down my neck….but shortly before this picture I realized the mistake.

Stacia did enjoy spending hours on my back this week….but this photo is the classic.

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