I’m going to have to remember to take the camera to the park!
Today was another homeschool park day. I’m finding that there aren’t that many things the co-op offers that I feel a need for – but Park Day is great. The kids are making friends. I’m able to meet and visit with other moms. They wear off LOTS of energy. This group is really into light sabers. I must remember to take the camera and document 17 year old boys having a great time with 6 year old boys.
Adrienne (a mom of 7 with a little one just a month younger than Stacia) and I did laps around the park and that was WONDERFUL! Adrienne reminds me of Carleen from AK. She’s never met a stranger. She grew up in Eagle River, AK. I got a kick out of meeting women today (this is my 3rd official park day). One said “I only have 4 kids” and I had to laugh. I said, “Have you heard I have 9 kids?” {grin}
I heard good comments about the boys. Jared is known as “Clean Guy” because some of the kids were talking bad about one of the moms one week and he spoke up and said, “Guys, we shouldn’t be saying bad things about a Mom”. I was thrilled to hear that he is showing leadership skills with his peers. It’s often hard to learn those skills as the 5th child. Nolan made friends with boys who live on 11 acres and they plan to invite us all out before the next “official” park day in two weeks. Josiah and Andrew continue to enjoy each other’s company…and both have little sisters the SAME age (2 days different). Both are so good with the little ones. Jamin stays home to do school – but Jamin is a driven type.
After park day, I had to get my van inspected. I found a place but the young man was sure I need to register the van in TX and I was sure that wasn’t going to happen. I finally asked to talk with the owner and he agreed that you can put a TX Inspection sticker on an AK van. {g}
I quickly ran to Wal-Mart for supplies to make two bird feeders, smart suet and snowflake crystals…It didn’t take long to realize that I could BUY suet cheaper, I could BUY two identical bird feeders for our experiment and I’m not sure they’d BE identical if we made them and so I bought the finished products for Friday’s experiments.
The day concluded with a trip to Sam’s club. I couldn’t believe that a big, red truck, with military stickers, pulled up right on my bumper so that I couldn’t open the doors to load groceries. I debated what to do. I could have him paged. I could wait with my groceries until he arrived and ask him to move his truck so I could open my door…..but the kids were at home waiting for the Pizza. I decided to load it into the side (hard work). I considered a note that said (imagine the tone and attitude) “Do ya think you could have gotten a LITTLE closer? I could still fit my visa card between our bumpers.” I realized that folks around town already are learning who I am by my van and I’d best not do that…and was convicted that what comes rushing in these moments will reveal if I’m walking in the flesh or walking in the spirit….so I grumbled in the spirit for about 10 seconds and then shrugged it off and went home.
We did get speech and school done as well. Tomorrow is FRIDAY.
I think I'm moving to TX. I want a park day! The sun is out today and it is winter/cold finally :) It was 14* when I got up this morning. Most of July it has been in the 40s and 50s but with rain, so too much mud for a park day on the rare dry day LOL.
OK, I'll quit going on and on with my weather woes. But I would like to move :)
Kelly in OH
Come on down...TX shines this time of the year. I like the variety in the weather...85* 2 weeks ago, 43* last saturday....maybe thunder tonight....but still NO RAIN...we need rain.
You got pictures of books on your blog, good job! It IS funny to read about a park day in January, maybe we will come next time, LOL. My guys always like bringing their lightsabers to HS group park days. Of course that is in the summer not January!!
The thing is in the summer here it is EXCRUCIATING hot and THAT thought is constantly in the back of mind making is so that I can't seem to fully enjoy this warm winter. {g} In the summer we were the ONLY ones at the park....and now I'm learning that you get up and go to the park from 8 - noon in the summer. {g}
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