Tuesday, February 21, 2006

WELL!!! WHAT do YOU know???

Zander loves his new cloth “pull-ups”. I am convinced that the disposable ones keep an unobservant child from realizing when he is wet. All morning he would start to go and say, “oh no” and then we’d run to the toilet. He’d sit. Nothing. We’d repeat.

Around lunch time I was thinking “Well at LEAST he now knows what we mean by wet and he doesn’t like it.”

He was in the room and said again, “oh no”. I rushed him to my toilet. I had a bit of a time convincing him to go to my bathroom. I finally told him I’d be right outside the door putting on my makeup. He was content to sit. Soon, I HEARD the most welcome noise I’ve heard in months. I didn’t want to rush in and stop the flow – know what I mean? I waited. Then I peeked around the corner. He was staring at himself and said “WELL!! What do YOU know?” :::snort::: I made the appropriate celebratory noises…o.k. I was excitedly screaming and applauding his accomplishment. Josiah came in and gave him a “high 5”. He told Cy, “I did that in the toilet”. I continued putting on make-up and he proceeded to go back into the bathroom and create a potty training dance. Yep, a dance for EVERY occasion seems to be his motto.

Later today I had to run out for a bit. When I got back home, Zander met me at the door and said, “MOM – I made BUBBLES in the toilet!!!”

I think we are well on our way now. In fact, if he keeps this up, I think he’ll be trained within the week. I went to put a diaper on him at bed time and he really wanted to wear a pull-up. I still have some of the disposable left and put one of those on him. I suspect by the time I’ve used the last of these diapers and pull-ups he’ll be trained.

Yippee…doing my own potty training dance! {vbg}

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