Saturday, March 11, 2006

Round Up Time

It’s round up time again in West TX. THIS is ONE round up that I’m going to pass on. It’s Rattlesnake Roundup time. After “almost” convincing myself to contact Julie and have her dh teach me how to hook a snake, I woke up to see a big picture of a boy hooking a rattler….ARGH.

I’m serious. This is a 4 day festival complete with a parade, a snake-charmer pageant, a snake meat-eating contest and snake-handling demonstrations. There’s also a demo on how to skin a rattler in preparation for cooking or to use the skins.

There was a man waiting with 1200 lbs of rattler to turn in. Evidently you get $5 per pound of rattler and this is to help control the rattler population out this way. It’s become a huge economic booster as people come from all over the states and other countries to view this.

Oh my – I think my geocaching days are DONE FOR!!!! If you don’t believe me click
here…then type “roundup” into the site search.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goodness, maybe we need to take this up as a sport so we can earn some tax free money? NO WAY!