Monday, March 20, 2006


As Pooh would say, this was a WINDS day. Mike and the boys installed the weather station a couple of weeks ago so we know for a fact that our house was getting wind up to 45 mph. {G} The wind made a very strange sound. What did we do with the windy day? We went to the park and played for a bit of time. Nolan conquered his bike this weekend. He was excited to be able to ride his bike with his friends at the park. I get such a kick out the close friendships that my boys and Adrienne’s boys have formed. Life in TX suddenly is wonderful in their eyes. God is good to have sent friendships in “due time”. Zander begins telling me about 10:30 each morning that he wants to go see his “other brothers”….these would be Caeden, Coby, Jordan and Cian. {G} It was so windy that Janae (petite 2 year old) was blown right off her feet. Stacia slept through it all snug in the sling. Heather, Adrienne and I got to talking homeschool curriculum at the park. I think I may have a Tapestry Tea. I would LOVE to see the DVD and I think I have to have 5 guests. Surely I could find 3 more who are interested if I advertised through our local homeschool group?

We celebrated Zander’s accomplishments at Mr. Gatti’s tonight. Or we went to “The Game” as Zander says. This is a Chuck E Cheese imitation. I was so glad that he totally avoided the mac/cheese (dyes), the pudding (dyes/flavors), jello (dyes/flavors) and dessert pizzas!!! Yippee! He had two pieces of cheese pizza. We added tomato based sauces back in last week….so we’ll see how he does. He had a blast. His favorite game was playing air hockey with Mike.

Just ended the day with finding some subs for items that are out of stock with the co-op. I want to make my own 7 grain blend and needed oat groats and millet. They were out of the 5# bags…so I got 2 28 oz packages of each….surely more money…but I must have my 7 grain mix….I’ve waited long enough. LOL

Now – I’m falling asleep at the keyboard and must call it a day. Oh wait – Cy won’t be home from work for at least 1 ½ hours….

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