Monday, May 29, 2006

*Heaven's Wager* is going to my sister-friend Beth in ID.

I did a bit of research on Ted Dekker. I find it ironic that Tamar Myers (a favorite author of mine) and Ted Dekker (a new favorite of mine) are both missionary kids. Ted grew up in the jungles of Indonesia. His parents John and Helen Dekker were missionaries to a canibalistic tribe. In fact their story can be read in *Torches of Joy* by John Dekker. What fun to make the connections. It's mentioned that he graduated from a "multi-cultural" high school....I bet that means "missionary boarding school" or "international school". I've been wracking my aging mind and I don't believe it means Faith Academy because he would have graduated the year before me and I bet even as busy as I've been I would have noticed a new author with a name of a peer from school days. {G}

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