Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Organic Thoughts

O.K. here’s some thoughts and I know that many of you who read this will have some ideas…..Jodi, Jen, Becky, Heather, Rebecca, Melody et al

What do YOU think about this?
We should avoid all chemicals, pesticides and etc that we can.
We eat a lot of fresh produce - $100 - $150 every 2 weeks. It’s not organic.

So…is it better to eat FRESH produce that isn’t organic….or frozen Organic? I can’t afford fresh organic – and there isn’t much of a selection around here. First I thought “we eat to much fresh produce to be able to afford organic”. Then I thought “if we eat so much produce wouldn’t it be important to get organic?”. Then I considered the frozen organic from Shop Natural…but still it’s FROZEN and you loose nutrition.

At this point I continue to buy fresh and to rinse it all well…but I keep wondering…what would be better frozen organic or fresh non-organic.

Jen and Jodi: we’ve not split junk yet at our co-op. I wonder if folks WOULD split a case of those cloud 9 candy bars…they ARE good and the list of ingredients isn’t terrible…especially when you realize that my children aren’t eating the snacks at church or such…this IS their junk food. We take these snacks to church or parishioner’s homes who want to give the kids treats. We can’t allow Zander to have treats that are going to set him off for 3 days. Hmmm….I’ll have to float a split of Cloud 9 candy bars or Little Panda Licorice and see…..we mostly split seeds, nuts and grains…which are helpful. OH – this time Melody wanted to split sodas and so we did split those. 12 cans of soda don’t make for a huge indulgence in a family our size. LOL So far we like the Blue Sky Root Beer Encore. We don’t like the Blue Sky Ginger Ale at all. We haven’t tried the Lemon Lime stuff.

Here’s a cool tidbit…my sister in law is meeting with the man who WROTE the organic certification law that is now being threatened by congress and big companies who want to be able to sell “organic” while using synthetic preservatives. I know someone who knows someone….{bg}


becky.onelittle said...

If you eat frozen organic you're losing so many enzymes, some vitamins/nutrients, and even a little fiber. I have to think fresh organic is best, fresh is next, and then frozen.

Jen said...

We go through Panda licorice quick around here! I would split a case with you if we were closer. LOL

We also buy a lot of Blue Sky and I bought 2 cases of that last delivery. But I have now decided that we need to try more 365 brand (Whole Foods) as it is a lot cheaper than even the co-op and it has no sodium benzoate it in. Hmm, though I just checked out my can of Blue Sky cola and it has no Sodium Benzoate in it. Now why did I think it did? I went and checked dd's rootbeer and it doesn't either. Hmm. Oh well, it is still cheaper to buy 365! Either way it is nice to have sugar and not corn syrup!

Jen said...

Oh, and as for the produce. I don't know. I haven't researched that as much. I am much more concerned about organic meat and dairy as I can't do anything about that. You can at least wash the produce. I do try to buy organic produce, but we are a smaller family and it is not as big an impact on us. I will by nonorganic though in a pinch, I always wash anyway.

I am still wishing I could find a simple organic solution for my yard. I do NOT have a green thumb so trying to do it on my own is not the answer, but we have a lot of fruit trees in our yard that are definitely not organic, due to the chemicals Chem-lawn uses. Though they don't spray them once the fruit is on them. Which means that the bugs tend to get all our fruit! I would love to have an organic person come help me with my trees and yard!

Jodi said...

You could use a Vegetable and fruit wash for things you buy which are not organic. We do a little bit of everything, fresh, frozen, garden. We can't buy organic fresh veg all that often it simply isn't in the budget. So we'll use veggie wash or sometimes frozen. Here is the website for one of the veggie washes www.veggie-wash.com. It's not the best option maybe but it is a good option if all organic isn't affordable.

Oh I do think you would find people to split the healthy candy cases.