Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Our MAD Scientist - Jamin experimented with various plants and vinegar to see what colors he would get. He began to brainstorm about how we could use the "all natural" dyes in our "color-free" lifestyle.
I ordered a disection kit today from Home Science Tools - formerly Home Training Tools. I took advantage of "being there" to order some "Golden/Audobon" Field Guides. Moving as often as we do, it seems that we are forever needing to learn the names of new birds, insects and wildflowers. I'm hoping this will help. They already emailed and said the order is on it's way.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Wow, I like Jamin's idea for natural dyes. We'll be trying this soon as we learn about native americans. If it gets too messy you can by natural "food colors" from some health food places but they are expensive...and not as fun as making your own.