Tuesday, May 16, 2006

What a bonus I received from the Father this a.m.

I need to finalize thoughts for Bible Study tonight. I have three littles ones showing up this a.m.

In order to get my crew fed, clothed, house picked up and some school done I would need to skip working out this a.m. BUT we were out of eggs. I rode my bike up to the store and back - 4 miles...putting me just barely into the 300's. Then I weighed and I've lost 3 lbs this week.

I'm thinking I'll need to go ahead and find some lighter weights for the *8 Minute* stuff because my wrists are beginning to twinge and I don't want to get to the place where I can't hold Stacia or a pen again.

That's all I have time for now.


Anonymous said...

Way to go De'Etta \o/\o/ I am waiting for the rain to stop (day 6 with 4 more to go......) so that I can walk. Maybe I'll yoga tonight? I am so sore so I don't know if yoga will be good or bad LOL...

I'd use 1 or 2 lbs. weights. That is all that the Walk Away the Pounds lady suggests using and then build up from there if you want to use more.

You are doing a fabulous job!!!


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I have no clue what the 3 lb weight loss is about because I did NOT do the 8 minute eating plan...LOL guess the biking and little weights are finally kicking in...or maybe the scale is broken?