Wednesday, May 03, 2006

WEDNESDAY – ½ way mark….

10 miles today. The boys and Mike have paced off a 1.25 and a 3 mile running route around our house. This works well – technically – but I think I will go crazy if I must ride around and around the same route for another 460 miles!!!!! I think I’ll buy a trip odometer for the bike when I hit 50 miles. That seems fair. I must cope with routine in so much of my life; surely I deserve to break out of the box in my workout routine????

I don’t like this new ticker…it looked like the turtle was so much closer to the goal than the little star. {G} I still want to find a countryish path with a bike slider….Girls, I beat the little old couple who sweep their yard every morning this a.m. {bg}

Every chaplain has many bosses. Bottom line is that he has three bosses: God, his endorser and the military. An endorser is the denomination that agrees to have you represent them in the military. Our endorser is Open Bible Standard Churches. A chaplain must please the military. This involves things like forms, fitness standards, military training etc. He must also please his endorser. If at any time the endorsing denomination feels that a chaplain no longer represents the denomination well, they can pull the endorsement and a chaplain will be separated from the military. I suppose it is easier for an endorser to separate a military chaplain from service than for the military to do such. Above all a chaplain seeks to please God and fulfill his call to ministry while he pleases a host of military supervisors and his endorsing agency.

The representative of our endorsing agency is in town today. John and Nadine Simmons are always fun to visit with. He’s a retired USAF (go AF) 05. There’s the added bonus that they attend the home church of my parents. It’s a bit of home. Mike is meeting with them for lunch. He and John will meet with Mike’s direct supervisor – our Wing Chaplain…and all of us (kids included) will go out for dinner tonight. I must make sure the littler children not only finish school today but have plenty of time to run off excess energy before the dinner hour. {G}

My goals today are school, laundry, cleaning and the little ones really want to see their “other brothers”; so we’ll try to make it to the park for an hour or so after lunch. We’ve not seen friends since we got back from vacation. I also hope to begin documenting our vacation and posting pictures. We’ll see what gets done….


Anonymous said...

De'Etta, you didn't have to change the turtle ticker :) I should put the turtle on my weight loss tucker UGH.....

I'm looking forward to reading about your vacation, but goodness, the park is more important :)


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Turtle ticker....well everytime I add miles it changes everything...this time I didn't worry about finding the leaves and turtles again....though I do still want the bike.... LOL

Jodi said...

The turtle was cuter. Great to have goals though, I should do something like this with walking. I'm trying to get back in the routine now that winter has passed but let too many things get in the way and walking is not a habit yet this season.