Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Day “off”
We are enjoying a day “off” from all our normal responsibilities. In other words, I’ve not done school with the little ones and we don’t have anywhere we HAVE to be.

I took Jamin over to mow Ian and Becky’s yard. I did NOT get bored enough to dig out her cleaning supplies…though I checked and sure enough there they are in her laundry room. :::snort::: I corrected six essays and a play for the first hour and a half. I put aside Jared’s 11 page report on Abraham Lincoln for another day. LOL I spent the remainder of the time reading various books I’d brought with me.

Before we’d left to water I’d put a roast in the crock pot. This is the very same roast that we didn’t get to eat last night because it wasn’t done before co-op. {g} Mike is going to be working late tonight, so we had our main meal at 2:00. Roast, buttermilk biscuits, roasted red potatoes and carrots, salad, and lots of fruit. It is a good feeling to have the main mess and work for the day behind us. We plan to go to the pool a bit later.

Stacia hates carrots but she LOVED these carrots…guess she is an olive oil, garlic, sea salt, Italian spice type of girl. She stuffed herself so well that she’s taking a nice long nap.

I forgot about the raisins that were drying and left them in a bit long…but they are very yummy. We use them most for salads and granola so they’ll soften up in dressing and milk. The kids are enjoying a smoothie icy. I’m going to see if I can lay down for a bit before Stacia wakes up. She was up about 6 times last night. The corner of a new tooth is through this a.m.

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