Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Girls are going to Harvard!
Who says homeschooling will hold a person back? I found out today that BOTH our girls are going to Harvard!!!! They are very excited. They weren’t sure they’d be able to go. So it’s only for Saturday! They’re touring Harvard…but for the rest of their lives they plan to say “I went to Harvard”. :::snort:::

The girls are really enjoying their time in Boston. They say that they like East Boston better than West Boston (not that I have a clue what THAT means). They have been surprised at the diversity in the city, as the demographics they had studied before the trip had led them to believe Boston was predominately white. They did a service in a Brazilian church. They have met friends from Peru. They’ve done prayer stations, and huge block parties for children. Bre got to be a clown again and she LOVES being a clown. She said that little kids would say “Where do you work?” and she told them “I work at the church”. Do you see where this is going????? Some would say, “I didn’t know they had clowns at church” and Bre assured them that there are lots of clowns in most churches! :::snort::: I love my children’s sense of humor. LOL


Anonymous said...

A HUGE congratulations to your daughters, AND to mom and dad!!!


Jodi said...

Wow, Harvard and they hadn't even applied, had they. Harvard must have sought them out VBG. Sounds like they are doing wonderful work. I don't know much about East Boston vs West Boston even though I guess I should being from MA well before NH. We didn't go to Boston that often due to the traffic. I think East Boston seemed very poor and very, very crowded and the airport is there so very cool to watch the planes come so close. Anyway you must be so proud of them doing this good work.