Thursday, June 22, 2006

My Zoo

I've always said there are days at my house that look and feel like a zoo. Those words must have been prophetic. The younger ones greatly enjoy the *Zoo Tycoon* game that Arielle received on her birthday. (The older boys prefer Ancient Civilizations). It's been enlightening to watch the younger three play Zoo. It's offered a microcosm to study various personalities. {G} Zander likes to mix and match animals and watch the ensuing confusion, Arielle likes to keep the babies and mamas togehter forever, and Nolan is known to say, "everyone has already seen that baby - let's sell it and get another for people to come see". LOL

As with so much of what we read, watch, or play, this game has entered "real life play". The kids were busy for a good solid hour and then I was called to come see. There was a note on the door announcing their zoo. The younger boys' room was lined with cages of various animals - all making appropriate (in some cases inappropriate sounds), they had a petting zoo set up and all sorts of animals and tanks and such. They've played this game a lot this week.

Below are some pictures of our zoo with a bit of interpretation.

The Bobcat Exhibit

The Bear Exhibit (note the clean closet 1 1/2 weeks post the great clean up day) The Dinosaur Exhibit

Baby Bobcat Makes her Great Escape

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Hmmm how did your kids morph into my kids, sounds like they play a lot the same! Of course it is more of a literal zoo here and sometimes the zoo animals in the game are living and furry. I love it when the kids play imaginatively like that.