Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I realized we've not had many pictures the last couple of weeks. Of course, LAST week everyone was sick and you wouldn't have wanted a glimpse into our home. {G} The week before we were mostly at the pool and I worry about taking Mike's fancy Nikon to the pool....but I need some pool pictures here..... Here's a couple of pictures Mike snapped.

I don't know...this man of mine loves to take pictures of me sleeping...evidently THIS is how I view a move AND how I read a book....I think this is the Davis Bunn one I'm reading....

Bat viewing - no bats but a photo op


Jennifer said...

Wow! That's soooo me sitting in the chair holding the baby! It seems like the only time I get to read/watch tv/look at catalogs is when I'm holding DS trying to get him to go to sleep.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Jen - I think it may be our age....are you a 40 something mom too? I don't remember falling asleep every time I rocked my 21 year old....maybe I did. LOL

It hit me yesterday - I've been having babies for 21 years. {G}