Saturday, June 24, 2006

It’s the Little Things that make it a Good Day

Here are a few little things that made the rest of my Saturday a good day. I went to Office Depot – I LOVE OFFICE DEPOT! {G} I have been trying to find the perfect calendar for YEARS. It’s silly. I’ve been going into office supply stores for at least 4 years trying to find the perfect wall calendar…it needed to be large. I wanted to be able to color code all family members AND inside/outside/chapel commitments. Becky has a big Boone board on her wall. That had potential. I went to look and didn’t find one like it…but I did get a 30 day calendar that is laminated. I decided to use it for a week and that gives me 7 long columns for the days of the week. It has a notes section to the right of the calendar and I wrote out the color coded key…..I posted it in the library right outside the older 3 boys’ room. Tonight Josiah was writing his work hours on the chart with the RIGHT COLOR INK….life is good.

While at Office Depot I also asked if they could remove the plastic comb bindings on two cookbooks I’d purchased on eBay. I got “Whole Foods for the Whole Family” and “Whole Foods from the Whole World” – both La Leche League cookbooks. WELLLLLL…..I looked for weeks to find the same edition that my friend Adrienne has. While looking I bid on a newer edition. I won the bid and they threw in the 2nd cookbook for free. LOL I then compared the index and format of the older edition and the newer edition. I discovered that the only recipes missing from the new cookbook are the “kids’ cookbook” and I KNOW how to make most those things anyway. :::snort:::: I liked the new format – bigger print…..but I liked the old binding – spiral vs. plastic comb. I gave the older one to a friend who was excited to get it. I kept the plastic comb binding editions – but one of them has ALREADY broken. I HATE that – have I mentioned that???? The helpful assistant manager at Office Depot cut the old holes off and punched it for me. Then he made a color copy of the front of the books (because he couldn’t cut through the board) and we put each one in a folder that has a plastic front and back….and it looks the same but is SPRIAL and can lay flat now etc. This made my day. For years I’ve snipped the bindings on big books and had them hole punched and put into page protectors and notebooks….but I’d never thought about having a spiral binding put on……I think I’ll take Wisdoms’ Way of Learning in next…that binding is killing me too. I’m psychotic…..

We went to hear 180 – our contemporary/alternative/student service band play at an outdoor concert tonight. It was a beautiful night, beautiful setting and they did a great job. They are really good. They often sound like the sound tracks on the radio. LOL

Mike, Jamin, Nolan, Zander, Stacia and I went out for a late night walk.

Zander told me he loved me at bed time.

It’s been a great day.


Jennifer said...

Spiral binding is my friend. *lol!*

Actually, I've had quite a few things spiral bound over the years. Many of them were scrapbook related, rather than homeschool. I love books that lay flat! :)

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said... is so nice to have it FLAT AND to be able to fold it in 1/2 and have a smaller book....I think I'll be taking a lot of things in to them. LOL