Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Chapel Funnies (or another Zanderism)

Do you know the song “Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes, Yes Lord”? Our service sings that one quite a bit. Evidently Zander has been paying attention in church. On the way to the pool today he began to sing a familiar tune…but his interpretation was a bit subjective….

“Less Lawyers, Less Lawyers, Less Less Lawyers, Less Lawyers, Less Lawyers, Less Less Lawyers….AMEN!”

He does not like us to laugh at him but it was almost impossible not to…instead we joined him in singing with the proper lyrics.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zander is at such a fun age!!! I love when they say the cutest things.

It looks like you've been busy. I've been so busy that I'm not blogging. I need to do something about that. But, Doug has been home before I go to bed, so blogging time just isn't as important *g*.
