Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Bre tries her hand at yard work. {G}

Stacia pulled the stepping stool over, climbed it and reached the keyboard;all while I looked on in hysterics.


Anonymous said...

Hey DeEtta! Every once in a while I enjoy checking in on your blog! We have been quite busy of late, my Mom is visiting and my friend is moving to Haines. I have been reading bits and pieces about how you are cooking healthier and shopping at the health food store because Zander is on a special diet. What kind of diet is he on? Marie of the North :)

Anonymous said...

That picture if Stacia is adorable! I guess that is what is expected when you feed her at the computer lololol.........

I'm so glad your girls are home for a bit. I always loved doing lawn work before fibro. I actually miss mowing the grass. SShhhh...don't tell the boys :)


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Marie - we began with the Feingold diet back in Feb and have seen amazing things. He was given a host of labels right before we left AK - ASD, SID etc etc....anyway here's the URL. After eating this way for a month I realized it would be easiest for us to make some huge changes rather than try to buy certain items at the store. So....if I make it at home - with wholesome, all natural ingredients - I KNOW what is in it. LOL When I mess up - as I did this week with processed hamburger takes about 24 hours to see him regress and another 3 days to pull out of it completely. But I've not really blown it since before our vacation.... We never set out to be organic - and Mike and the boys still tease me - but here we are. LOL

Miss you all up north!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Oh - Marie - you do NOT have to be organic or shop at health food stores etc to implement just seemed like a good time to make lots of changes. Dr. Rex Russel has a book titled "What the Bible Has to Say about Healthy LIving" that summarizes what I'm trying to do around here. LOL

Anonymous said...


Dad/I think she is right on and is going to keep the tradition that all the gals in this family are computer greats!

What a doll!

Anonymous said...

BRE: Your 2 G's need you here to help us with our yard. Michail helps when we ask. Looks like I (GM) will be paying attention to things about school now as it is back to work on the 5th.

Jodi said...

The picture of Stacia is prieless and I loved Kelly's comment. Yep you've raised a computer geek at 1 year old due to feeding here there. Next thing we know she will be commenting...or posting on your blog!

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

Commenting on MY blog....we're setting her up with her own blog by the time she is 18 months old. :::snort:::