Thursday, August 10, 2006


I began the day exhausted. Staica was up all night. In fact I ended up sleeping in the van with her so that eveyrone in the hotel would be complaining. Stacia is slowly - oh so slowly- warming up to the girls.

We drove through Yellowstone National Park today. We only had one day but got to quickly see everything that was on our list of "must sees". We arrived later than we had planned and so didn't see as much wildlife as we'd have liked to see....but really we've seen most of it in our yard in Alaska. {G} I couldn't help thinking of Grams and Bill often during the day. They loved the park. We had never stopped there for as long as I could remember - either as a child or an I greatly enjoyed the chance to check it all out in person. Old Faithful erupted right as we walked up. We got some pictures that I'll share when I have a way to upload the photos. I kept hearing grams voice saying "It's a big country, kiddo" - right she was.

I'm feeling overwhelmed today - tired and thinking of what the next months will hold as I try to keep everything running smoothly without Mike. I'm also realizing that Josiah may only be home 10 more months and Mike will be gone 6 - 8 of them. It makes me sad. When he was talking about bieng a fishing guide I thought we'd have another year or two with him.....because he was thinking of taking some business and marketing classes at ASU. NOW he's talking an internship this summer with a youth organization and then either Master's or college next fall...WAAAA....they are leaving home to FAST....and it's ruining my vacation....I must quit thinking about it for the next few weeks.

Wow - we've seen the most beautiful spot! I can say with 100% confidence that it is the prettiest I've seen in the lower 48 and certainlyo ne of the prettiest if I factor in AK. The Grant National Teton Forest. It was a gorgeous drive out of the Park. I had no idea that WY had such beautfiul spots. We are spending the night in Dubois, WY. That is pronounced "DEW boyz" and never Dew BWAH.... ::::snort:::

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