PTL - My Dad is no longer a druggie!
::snort:: For the first time seven months dad spent a day where he was NOT taking the max of pain killers. The pain level with this 3rd surgery seems to be much more manageable than the others. Dad is now back at the rehab house - out of the hospital. He's sure to be bored - Dad has always been very active. Pray for him to find meaningful ways to fill his days while he recuperates...and any other way the Lord leads you. Provision and workman's comp mess is still a good thing to pray for as well. LOL
Great news about your dad. Continued prayers for a speedy and complete recovery and for your dad's peace of mind as I'm sure it is tough to be so inactive.
Yeah for the Lord and your Dad's better recovery! Continuing prayer.
How wonderful! PTL! More prayers for positive mindsets, good PT people, and some fun conversation to flow into his days. Oh, and good quick healing and all. ;)
Sis (&Ladies): Just talked to Dad and he is ok this morning, with only some pain. Think after 6 months of real pain 24/7 he dosen't mind at all now. PTL! A high fever yesterday late in the afternoon caused his pain to be bad. BUT this morning the fever is gone and so is the mega pain. Interesting how this all flows together.
Washington Comp has not sent a check now for over a month. OH WELL when they do send it will cover back pay also.
Thanks again for the prayers and thanks for the continued prayers.
Kinda funny seeing a guy using a walker but not putting any weight on one side. HOP! HOP!
Praising the Lord with you. My prayers will continue for a speedy healing for your dad!
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