Sunday, October 01, 2006


The good thing about having a baby cut 4 molars at one time is that you can watch a whole disc of the *Here’s Lucy* show in one night.

I am SOLD on that click and pull option at Sam’s Club. I waltzed in, up to customer service…they went and got my carts, scanned my card and it all popped up on the screen. Nice.

Zander is learning a hard lesson tonight. At our chapel we have a cry room. Usually I leave during the sermon and take Stacia to the cry room. Since Zander would be sitting without an adult at that point, he comes with me. On the way into church he noted two of his friends playing back there. I told him that we’d go in during the sermon. He proceeded to act up during worship. I explained calmly that if I had to take him out before the sermon we would go to the van and not the cry room. I don’t want him to think that if he is naughty he can go play during church…neither do I want to disrupt the whole service. I also told him that if I had to take him to the van he would go straight to bed when we got home. He lived right on that “boundary” (oh he’s got so much of me in him). I took him to the back pew. I told him again what I expected and what would happen next. He crossed the line. We went to the van. We came home. He’s in bed. He cried and cried and I wanted to give in….but there you have it. Grace forgives (and I forgive him); mercy walks through the consequences with you (and I curled up in bed with him until he went to sleep). He missed our weekly ice cream. He was heart broken. BUT I explained he had made the choice. He told me he loved me. I hope he has learned and REMEMBERS.

I got our group Shop Natural order together so that I don’t have to worry about it on a school day.

Lisa has inspired us and I’m making a menu. Well, actually I thought of the need all on my own. :::snort::: We are eating out far too often with Mike gone. We are back to Sunday’s only and this will help. In fact I took the kids to Cheddars today instead of fast food. I told them that it will be cheaper than eating out multiple times at fast food. It was. LOL The boys all go to give their favorite foods…Arielle wants bread and apples….that’s about it for Nolan and Zander as well. Here’s our list of meals and we’ll eat them on whichever night we have a yen for that meal. LOL

Chicken Divan
Hawaiian Chicken
Pizza – Friday (Jamin got dough for 12 pizzas in the freezer today)
Sunday – eat out

I've been reminded today of a sermon my favorite preacher once preached. "I didn't ASK for THIS"....and I'm choosing joy!


Debbie said...

Oh, those life lessons are so hard for all of us. Good for you not giving in. The lesson will be more quickly learned.

I like your idea of listing meals, but not necessarily days to have them.

I was telling Bri about your Sam's Club experience and he loved the idea. We'll have to check that out.


DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

I LOVED zipping in and getting what we needed. Jamin commented that it took the fun of "just looking" through the store...but those impulse buys at Sam's club ADD up. I think I'll go in once in awhile and check their new books, workbooks and know when I want to be looking for a gift or something...but it will certainly help our budget for me to do the online thing.

It was funny that when I picked up they noted our address was in AK and yet I was picking up down here. I told them I should update that - and then they wanted Mike to be here to update it. I told them nevermind and I'd be back in March. I told them he was a bit out of pocket...and they laughed and changed it for me...didnt' even have to pull out my handy dandy power of attny. LOL

Cynthia said...

Did they charge for this service? That would be a HUGE time saver! We don't have a SAM's club here and I sure haven't heard of any other stores that offer that service.

Lisa in Jax said...

Boy, Zander and Evie are two peas in a pod! You can almost hear the wheels turning in their heads at Good job of not giving in! Evie spent 1/2 the day yesterday in time out and it was her

I love having set meals each week. It definitely helps with the budget. I guess I should go update my blog with this weeks It was a LONG weekend.



Lisa in Jax said...

Hey, does Stacia have her eye teeth? Isaac got his four molars at one time and now has had the WORST time trying to cut his last four teeth, the eye teeth. He finally has 3 of them but that last one just doesn't have enough room yet, so it breaks through and then goes back under. Do they make spacers for toddlers?lol

Debbie said...

De'Etta, I would love your recipes for your chicken divan and Hawaiian chicken. do you have those posted someplace?

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


Nope - no fee. My Sam's membership has paid for itself even though I now do most my shopping through the co-op. They showed that buying ONE gallon of milk a month would more than pay for your membership - I buy 32 - 40 gal a month....and eggs and cheese are a big savings there too......and NOW I can shop online and pick it up. No fee at all was added. Very easy to do.

The photos were cool too - I uploaded them and they wANTED me to pick them up in an hour - the cheapest option. LOL

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


She DOES have the eye teeth - top two....These will make 12 when they are all in.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...


Not sure if I do...wait the GRam's Hawaiin chicken is on here already....scroll down to find a recipe and click the recipe will bring them all up. I remember republishing that one.

I'm making the chicken divan tonight (Cy's request for the week and he'll be home for dinner tonight)...I'll post the recipe....but it's sort of "in the works" as I'm making it healthy. LOL

Lisa in Jax said...

Lucky her! I wish Isaac had gotten his teeth in the order they are supposed to come He's bucking the system

Jodi said...

Love the way you showed grace to Zander while still being consistent. I'm guessing that he will remember and grow from this experience.

Very cool about the Sams club pick up option!