Friday, October 27, 2006

Table Talk

Mysteriously, we found ourselves discussing 4 year olds at dinner. I looked up, caught Zander's eye, and said, "Zander, you are my favorite 4 year old in the whole world". This is a line I've used countless times with countless children (or at least 8 to date).

He looked up and said indignantly, "I'm NOT FOUR! I'm SIXTY - NIIIINE!!!"

We burst into laughter. I explained that if he was 69 - he's older than Dad and Grandpa. He replied, "Wow - I really got up there fast!" :::snort:::


Anonymous said...

Ok, now THAT one is funny:)

Jen in Az.

DeEtta @ Courageous Joy said...

What's really funny is that the is STILL insisting today that he is 69. I can't wait for someone to ask him how old he is at chapel. LOL

He always makes up ages and often folks believe him because he is tall for 4; but I doubt anyone will believe he is 69!

berrypatch said...

I have a two year old who parrots just about anything anyone else says. For the longest time he insisted he was five - just like his big brother. LOL It sounds like Zander keeps you laughing though. :-)


Anonymous said...

Alexander: Guess What! You are our favorite 69 yr. old grandson. We have found the 60's to be a good time in life and challenging. Hang on Alexander cus you are in for some real fun etc.

Actually you have the fun idea of someone in the 60's.
